Chapter thirteen

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Majors and music.

No pov

It was early morning, 5:07 to be exact, Peridot started to stir in her sleep when she felt a heavy sensation on her chest, feeling a bit annoyed by the feeling, she raised her hand to try and understand what it was, but all she got was a was a handful of hair, this caused Peridot to because fully awake, eyes widened, she looked down to see Lapis sleeping...On her chest!

"Shit what do I do?" Peridot whispered quietly, not wanting to wake her up, so Peridot stayed still, stiff as a board as one might say, all she did was grab her phone and glasses, checking the time to make sure she wasn't late to class, after a few minutes of scrolling through her phone, Peridot suddenly felt Lapis start to move, nuzzling in her chest, Peridot felt as she was about to explode upon impact, her face was hot, her heart beating out of her chest like there was no tomorrow, Peridot felt Lapis's arms tighten around her waist, Peridot couldn't believe what was happening, mentally screaming.

After what felt like hours to Peridot, it was only minutes till she finally calmed down, although her face was still hot, she ruffled her hair, sighing wondering what in the world she was going to do. Soon enough, Peridot heard an alarm go off, it came from Lapis's phone, very quickly, Peridot turned off her phone, removing her glasses, and pretended to be asleep, she felt the taller girl stir in her sleep before getting up and turning off her alarm, Lapis quickly stretched and ruffled up her hair, Peridot kept one eye open, seeing Lapis in the morning felt good for some reason, she just couldn't pin point why.

"Peridot, it's time to get up." Lapis gently shook Peridot, the blonde slowly opened her eyes before being blinded by the lights that Lapis turned on, "Geez, that's a nice way to wake up." Peridot groaned, Lapis giggled tiredly, "Sorry, but I needed you to wake up, we don't wanna be late for school, right?"

"But it's only 5:45, you really wake up at this time?" Peridot sat up, rubbing her face before grabbing her glasses, "Well not usually, I don't know why but I had a really good sleep, I would usually wake up much later than this." Lapis explained.

"Maybe because you were sleeping on top of me." Peridot muttered under her breath softly, "What was that?"

"Nothing! I'm just checking some messages."

"Whatever you say dork."

Peridot sighed, she didn't know how to bring it up to Lapis how she slept on top of her, she didn't want to seem awkward or like a creep for saying that, Peridot got up from the bed, and stretched, cracking some joints in the process, with a sigh of relief, Peridot put on her shirt and shorts, tying the strings on the waist band, Lapis was just eyeing her this whole time, she couldn't keep her eyes off of Peridot, but she isn't gay, right?

It was 6:27, it's been a nice while since Lapis and Peridot talked, Lapis insisted that Peridot stayed for breakfast, reluctantly, she said yes, which made Lapis happy, soon enough the food was ready, Peridot stared at down at the food, wanting to consume it, but she was kind enough to wait for Lapis, who grabbed a bottle of water and sure enough, a bottle of apple juice for Peridot.

" was your sleep?" Lapis nervously asked, "It was nice, I was very warm." Lapis sighed, glad she didn't do anything stupid in her sleep, "Although." Just hearing that made Lapis's heart skip a beat.

"I did wake up to something on my chest, I really didn't know what it was, but I ignored it and fell back asleep." Peridot was lying, she couldn't tell Lapis the truth.

"How strange, I hope it wasn't me, sometimes I tend to hug things out of spite." Lapis gave a small nervous laugh.

"Anyway, how do you like the food, usually I don't cook in the mornings but I have a lot of time on my hands."

"It's great, gosh with your skills like these you should go to culinary school." Peridot laughed, Lapis blushed at the statement and laughed along with the short one.

"Well i'm glad you like it, I like cooking but, in reality I enjoy art more."

"What made you wanna major in art?"

"Well, I was always a creative child back then and soon it spiraled into me wanting to do something with art, so I joined this University and with its amazing art program, it filled the little kid in me with happiness and now I wanna open up an art studio once I get enough money and get my degree in my art major." Lapis's eyes filled with happiness, drawing was her safe space, she loved it quite a bit, she could go somewhere and just draw, from real life to sketchbook, from sketchbook to canvas, and from canvas to a completed painting, it was so wonderful to see what she can just come up with on the spot.

"What about you? What are you majoring in and why?" Lapis looked at Peridot, wanting to listen to what she has to say, "Well i'm majoring in engineering, only reason is because of wanting to building cool things, I loved seeing what people can do and then build it once they put their mind into it, just like me, i've always enjoyed being a hands-on type of person yknow? And with being hands-on, i've also learned my love for music, so i'm having a minor in music at the moment, but still, i enjoy engineering and I hope to get my degree in it." Peridot finished explain, Lapis looked at her with a gleam in her eyes, feeling as if she can be lost in Peridot's talking.

"That's so cool Peri. Do you play any instruments or is your voice an instrument?"

"I play a couple of instruments, I can play the piano, bass guitar, acoustic guitar, and that's about it."

"You must be pretty good with your hands." Lapis choked over her words after she realized what she just said, Peridot's face flushing with a deep red, "EXCUSE ME I-IM SORRY I DIDNT MEAN IT LIKE THAT!" Lapis stumbled over her words, why would she say that, yeah it was supposed to be a compliment, but it came out wrong.

"I-It's alright Lapis, I know what you mean." Peridot gave a small smile while rubbing her neck.

"I'm sorry for that, but do you think you could teach me how to play guitar? I've always wanted to learn but I tend to forget about wanting to learn." Lapis smiled, "Yeah sure, just tell me when you can be available to practice and then I can teach you."

"Maybe Friday? I dunno." Peridot felt her heart drop to her stomach, "W-well I cant do Friday, maybe Sunday? We don't have school on Monday for the holiday, so I can still continue to teach you, if that's okay with you?" A weak smile formed on Peridot's lips.

"That's fine with me!" Finally, Lapis can spend more time with Peridot, sure Lapis loves music, but knowing Peridot also loves music makes her fall for her even more.

An hour had passed, Peridot was back in her dorm and Lapis was getting ready to leave for school, she had a good start of the day and nothing can ruin it for her.

*Knock knock knock*

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