Chapter six

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Peridot's PoV

"Alright Peridot, you're all done, sorry you had to wash out the dye in the sink, i don't know if you wanted to shower." Lapis chuckled.

"Oh it's fine, I'll shower when I get home, also sorry for not texting you beforehand, I lost the note you gave me, that's fault on my part." I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly.

"That's okay Peri, here hand me your phone and I'll type in my number on yours." Lapis grabbed her phone from her pocket, I grabbed mine and handed it over to her, she typed in her number and gave it back to me, the contact name she put was interesting, "Water Gem." it read.

"I put your number on my phone as well." I read my contact name "triangle hair" Really Lapis, really?

"Remember to come back every few weeks if you wanna keep that green in your tips, alright and i guess that's it besides you paying me." she chuckled, oh yeah that's right, i have to pay, I take out my wallet and pull out some cash.

"Alright you said 20 right?"

"Yeah 20 bucks is all I ask." She smiled, I pull out a 50 dollar bill, I look up to see Lapis's face, her eyes were widened, her mouth agape. "Peridot that's...too much,"

"I don't think so, say it's like a tip, you gave me good service and I like the way my hair looks, so please," I grab her hand, it was slightly cold against my warm hands, I put the bill in her hand and formed her hand into a fist, her face was slightly red, "Just take it, it's not gonna harm me or anything." I laughed.

"I mean, thanks but I still think it's too much, can i break it and give you some back, i don't even thi-"

"Lapis, i'm giving you this because you gave me excellent service and care, take this as my $20 payment with a $30 tip, i'm not gonna die if I gave you this, alright?" I cut her off, she looked like she lost her words, she didn't know how to react, she sighed softly and looked at me.

"Fine, I'll take this payment even if i think it's too much, thank you Peridot." Lapis grinned, stuffing the bill in her pocket, "Well alright Peridot, I have to take care of your friend now, I guess I'll see you later?"

"Most definitely, next appointment, I'll tip you higher." I laughed as i walk out the door, "See ya later Lazuli." I put my hand up as a signal of saying goodbye since my back is turned and I don't wanna trip while walking backwards. I noticed that my door is a few steps way from her door.

"Alright Peridot, Ill see you next time." She giggled, waving her hand.

I look over at her with a stupid smile on my face, she had one too, then she walked back in to her dorm, with the click of her door I unlocked my door, being greeted with Steven and Garnet playing some games and Pearl doing some work.

"Hey guys, I'm home." Pearl looked up at me, "Oh hey Perido-OH MY GOSH YOUR HAIR." Steven and Garnet paused their game to look over at the commotion happening.

"OH MY STARS PERIDOT YOU LOOK SO...CUTE!!" Steven exclaimed.

"I AM NOT CUTE!" I scrunched up my nose and looked at Garnet, she gave me her signature thumbs up, Pearl came closer to me and examined my hair, side to side, up and down, front to back, she ran her finger through my hair, I flinched from the sudden contact.

"Listen guys, it's just a simple change up, I wanted something new and I got it, it's not a big deal."

"Oh it's too a big deal, you've always had blonde hair and seeing you have something new is so cool!" Steven said, I grumbled.

"Anyway, if you excuse me I'm going to get ready to workout." I said.

"Ah ah ah, you can't workout if you dyed hair Peridot, take it from me my dye became a weird color after working out." Steven educated me.

I widened my eyes and slowly turned my head dramatically, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN I CANT WORKOUT FOR HOW LONG!" I stared at Steven.

"For a day if you wanna keep the color." He nervously laughed, I groaned, what am I supposed to do, yeah my little robots are one thing, whatever, i'm just gonna take a nap.

"Fine, I'll just go and take a nap, I'll see you all lat-" suddenly the door flew open.

"HEY EVERYBODY LOOK AT MY NEW HAIR WOOO!" Amethyst busts through the door.

"AMETHYST YOU TOO!" Pearl exclaimed.

"Obviously P, I wanted to do something to it since Lapis had that cool blue hair, so why not get my hair done, also lookin' good P-dot." She winked at me.

"Thanks, now as i was rudely interrupted, I'm gonna go take a nap, I'll see you clods later." I walk up the stairs, I felt like i was forgetting something, but I just can't remember what it was, oh well, it'll come to me sooner or later, I sighed, taking off my glasses and setting my phone down on my nightstand, I flopped on my bed, I heard a buzz coming from my phone, but I couldn't give any damn to what it could be for.

With a heavy sigh, I closed my eyes, listening to the trees shake from the wind, although it was only 7:24 the sun was already set and the night had now begun, hearing the guys down speak having a nice laugh, I felt the comfort from their laughs, my eyes all droopy, I slowly drifted into my sleep, hearing the final buzz of my phone before I slipped into unconscious, and drifting into dream land.

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