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Hey....How y'all doing 🥳

Where have i been you may be asking (you probably didn't even ask or care😑)  Im still gonna tell you.

In reality, I've been doing nothing, I'm not an AO3 writer who had some crazy tragic event that their mother in law threw them out of the car, rolled down the grand canyon, paralyzed by the neck down, and still managed to upload the next 75 chapters to their now completed story by text to speech, no. (props to them tho)

I just got really really REALLY frickin lazy 😭, I had a set schedule and i didn't commit to it, i would always say "I'll do it tonight" tonight definitely didn't come so yeah.

I have something up my sleeve tho, just yall wait, ill feed your lapidot hunger, I wanna do a hurt/no comfort type of fanfic but even now, I would cry before writing it down, so it'll be in the back of my mind for now. I still love lapidot thank you, i haven't strayed away from it, but it doesn't take over my brain as it once did.

But yeah, wait soon my lovely's, i'll post something soon 😘

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