Chapter sixteen

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Weird dreams

No pov

Peridot jolted awake, breathing heavily, face hot, red and slightly sweaty, looking over to her side, Lapis was still sleeping, she looked so peaceful, but Peridot on the other hand was not, she had a weird dream, could it be like a "wet dream" as others will call it, and Peridot was not handling it well.

Peridot's dream (NSFW if you can't handle this skip to the dotted line.)

It was getting late, Peridot and Lapis walked downtown for some air and we're having a great time, they didn't want the night to end at all, so much laughter and smiles were all over the place, kisses and hugs were shared, yes it's true, Lapis and Peridot were a couple and was celebrating their five month anniversary together, with a night they wouldn't want to forget.

"I love you, you know that Peri." Lapis looked at her girlfriend, those same blue-grey eyes that Peridot first fell in love with, Peridot just kept her eyes on hers, the gaze made Lapis' tan skin now tinted red, "I do know that Lapis, I really do, you tell me everyday for the last five months we've been together." Peridot's lips curved upwards into that smile that Lapis loved.

"No matter how many times you gotten your face whacked in that cage, you still have that beautiful smile." Lapis cupped Peridot's face and pulled her face closer to her, their lips ghosting against each other.

"Wait till we get home Lapis." Peridot said sternly, that made Lapis' stomach full with butterflies, she loved it when her girlfriend talked sternly with her, "Now let's go, it's about to rain soon."

"Why don't we stay out for a bit, y'know, dance in the rain." Lapis wanted a dance with Peridot, no matter where they were, Lapis always wanted a dance.

"Well, I dunno, still having trouble with my steps when it comes to dancing, plus my dress shoes aren't really meant for rain." Lapis frowned at Peridot's statement.

"How about we dance in the rain and I'll make it up to you when we get home." Lapis smirked, Peridot sighed and agreed, she wanted to be sure her girlfriend is happy, even if that means her dress shoes get messed.

"Let's walk back to the car, I need this jacket to stay dry and when it starts to rain, then we can dance, alright?" Lapis nodded, they walked back into the car, the car was Peridot's dream car, a 2017 GT Coupe 2D Ford Mustang, tinted windows and in the color dark green with two black stripes, Lapis bought it for Peridot as a gift, Peridot at first didn't want to accept it but, she couldn't hand it down to anyone else, so she just took it and has loved it ever since.

Peridot felt a splash land on her nose, looking up and feeling rain drops land her face, luckily enough she was close to the car, opened the door and threw her suit jacket in. Looking at her lover, seeing her smile from the rain starting to pour down, Peridot's lips also formed into a smile, walking back to Lapis, Peridot landed her hands on Lapis' waist, the taller of the two put her arms around the blonde's neck, the rain began to soak the two bodies in the street, their hair all around their faces, clothes sticking to their skin, Peridot's glasses now covered in rain, Lapis took her hand and slicked the glasses on top of Peridot's hair, revealing the faded scar on her forehead, bending down to kiss the scar, Peridot moved her head up and their lips intertwined, the blonde pulled Lapis closer to her.

The bluenette pulled away, "You're such a romantic woman, you know that?" Peridot laughed at Lapis's comment, "Only for you Lazuli."

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