Chapter seven

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Lapis's pov

I was cleaning up my room, full of hair and some dye on the floor, it was only 7:16 and the sun was setting, all this cold weather always brings the sun down, as I was cleaning I noticed a clothing piece, I know it isn't mine, it had prints of aliens around it, it had a citrusy and woody smell to it, it felt... comforting to say the least, I only had two people come by and that was Amethyst and...Peridot!

"Oh gosh she must've left it here, it has some hair on it so, i'll just clean it for her." I grabbed a lint roller and started to remove all the hair from it, removing hair from a hoodie is such a tedious task for no reason at all, but at least it looks clean now, it was now 7:20 and the sun was down, such an early time for the sun to go down.

"I should text Peridot that's I have her hoodie." I grabbed my phone and scrolled through my contacts, I found her contact name "Triangle hair" i'm such a genius for that name.

Water gem: Hey it's me Lapis, you left your hoodie in my dorm if you want it back just swing by! (7:21)

I put my phone down, hoping she'll respond, my phone buzzed, I quickly grabbed my phone thinking it was her but it wasn't it was just a calendar notice for my car, it was 7:24, maybe another text wouldn't hurt, right?

Water gem: hey it's me again, i dunno if you're asleep or busy, but i'm just making sure you got my text about your hoodie, hope you have a good night! (7:24)

I sighed heavily, I put my phone down on my nightstand, I changed into something more comfortable, I decided why not wear Peridot's hoodie to sleep, it looked really soft and nice so why not? How much harm could it cause. I turned off my lights and laid down in bed, the moon was shining brightly, lighting up my room ever so slightly, my eyes were getting heavy, the silence was nice, I drifted off to sleep and let the darkness engulf me.

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