Chapter five

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Hair dyed

Lapis's PoV


Just three more minutes and i'm out of here, I usually don't stay during study hall, I get my work done fast anyway so no need for me to stay at school for the rest of the day.


And that's the bell, finally Friday, as I walked down the hall, I heard a group of people talking obnoxiously loud, talking about some "fight" tonight, I listened in as best as I could,

"I have my money on '5XG' she wins every single time-"

"Yeah but now she's fighting 'Crash Helmet', that woman is a beast! Do you think 5XG can withstand her?!" the other butted in.

5XG? Who's that? I know who 'Crash Helmet' is unfortunately, I just ignored the rest of the conversation and put in my headphones and blasted music to drown out the noise of college kids and their weird fantasies, college kids really be wilding these days now.

Time skip

Lapis PoV(cont.)

Finally home, I unlock my door and went in closing the door with my foot, I threw my bag down and walked over to my couch and flopped on it sighing with relief,

"Finally Friday, now I don't have to do anything for the next fe-" A knock came from my door, I groaned getting up, 'Please anyone above let this be the wrong unit' I thought.

I unlocked my door and opened it, a gasped emitted out of me.

"Hey.." She said awkwardly smiling with a small wave of her hand.

"Oh it's you, how can I help you?" I asked with a small smile on my face

"Well, I guess i am ready for a hair change, nothing too crazy, but not enough to draw attention to myself." she spoke.

"Well come on in Peridot." I welcome her into my dorm, it's not the best looking but it feels comfortable to me.

I took Peridot over to my room, a simple looking room if I do say so myself, some posters, my bed in the corner looking a mess as per usual, the huge mirror where i usually do hair trims and such, I look over to Peridot and gestured her to sit in the chair, she followed my gesture and sat in the chair.

"I suggest you take off the hoodie unless you wanna feel awkward when i put this barber cape on you." I said, I looked over at her in the mirror and I saw her blush lightly and looked over at me.

"...Fine." As she said that she stood up and pinched the hem of the hoodie, I have to admit it looked really cute, i'll have to ask her where she got it from, I turned around to give her privacy, I thought she was done so I turned around and her sweatshirt was lifted up mid abdomen, I saw such a sight 'She has such a toned stomach what in the world are they feeding this munchkin?!' I question myself, I turned around when I saw her hoodie reach her neck, heat surrounded my face, I heard a sigh coming out of her mouth and heard a small thud on the floor,

"There and thanks for the privacy." she said, I turned back around, some red was still prominent on my face, but I think Peridot was oblivious to it.

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