Chapter twelve

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Helping hand?

No pov


Peridot stiffened when she heard her name being called, she knew who it was but she couldn't get herself to face her.

"Hey Peridot are you okay?"

"Uhh, Y-yeah i'm just peachy!" She lied, Peridot wasn't the greatest today, but she had to lie her way out of this.

"I know you're lying, by the look of your hand it looks like you've been in a fight." Lapis swiftly said.

"Look I'm fine, just leave me alone." Peridot snapped at Lapis, Lapis flinched, Peridot realized what she's done.

"I...Okay look, im not doing so hot today, so please just let me take care of myself, also it's getting late so I don't wanna burden you with being in your dorm late." She apologized.

"N-no please it's alright, just let me help you."

Peridot couldn't believe it, someone was actually trying to help her, she didn't know what to say at first, she was just so shocked by the words that came out of Lapis's mouth.

"Peridot?" Lapis snapped her finger, Peridot flinched and was brought back to reality.

"What- I mean, okay fine, but only because i'm not allowed back into my dorm after 10 pm, I don't know why my roommates made that decision." Peridot grumbled and walked over to Lapis's dorm.

"Alright let me open my door and we will be in." Lapis grabbed her key and unlocked the door, it was much more cleaner than it was last time.

They both walked in, Lapis turning on her lights, she gestured Peridot to sit down on the couch, with a grunt Peridot sat down and sighed with relief, Lapis giggling at her antics.

"I'll be right back, i'm going to get my first aid kit, help yourself to a drink from the fridge."

Peridot slowly got up from the couch and made her way to the fridge.

"Water, soda, apple juic- APPLE JUICE!" Peridot's eyes gleamed with happiness, she hasn't had apple juice in a long while.

"Never knew someone could be excited for some apple juice." Lapis snorted, "The guys back in my dorm would never let me drink apple juice, they say I drink too much of it, but I absolutely don't care, I love it, wait, can I have this?"

"I said help yourself to a drink, it's okay you can have it." Lapis giggled, Peridot smiling a child quickly closed the fridge and opened the bottle of juice, hearing the crackling of the cap opening made her happy and made her forget the day she had.

"Alright juice drinker, sit back down at the couch so I can help you with your hands." Lapis gestured Peridot back to the couch, with another grunt Peridot sat down, Lapis sitting next to her, with very close contact Peridot couldn't stop herself and blushed like a mad man.

"Now let me see your hands." Lapis opens her kit pulling out gauze, anti-bacterial wipes and large bandages, Peridot slowly brought her hands towards Lapis, she grabbed on hand, Peridot felt happy with the contact, against her cold hand Lapis's felt warm and loving.

"So...what did you do to your hands?" Lapis wiped Peridot's knuckles, she hissed from the sudden pain, "I'm sorry, i'll be more gentle." Lapis's face flushed.

"I-it's okay, but as I was working out and my hands scrapped against something, I don't remember what it was exactly." Peridot lied, she had too, she didn't want to explain to Lapis that "Oh it's just my mother, she hates and thinks i'm not worth her time and only acknowledges me for my wins."

Peridot couldn't explain that to her, not now, Lapis bought it and didn't question anything, after wrapping up both hands, Lapis closed the kit and threw everything away.

"Hey Lazuli, uhm thanks for helping me, it means a lot." Peridot awkwardly rubbed her arm.

"Don't mention it Peri, I don't mind helping you."

"By the way, do you mind that I stay here for tonight, like I said before you helped me, the guys back at my place has a rule set, so can I just stay here?" Lapis's face turned red, facing back at Peridot, her face too also red with embarrassment.

"I don't mind, would you like some things? like extra clothes or a blanket?"

"Well, after I workout usually I have clothes packed, so i'm good on clothing, but yeah some blankets sound nice."

"Well alright, if you wanna shower, you can use my bathroom, make yourself comfortable tonight Peri." Lapis smiled warmly, Peridot stood up and walked towards Lapis, and gave her a hug, Lapis shuttered at the contact, but reluctantly hugged back, "Thank you again, I don't know how I can repay you." Peridot pulled away giving Lapis a small smile.

"I-it's no problem Peri, I'm happy to lend a helping hand." Peridot quickly grabbed her bag and headed towards Lapis's room.

"I'll be in the shower, if you need me heh."

"Okay Peridot." Lapis chuckled, with hearing the click of the bathroom door, Lapis swiftly walked into her room and sat down on her bed, she couldn't even believe what just happened, she got a hug from Peridot, a hug from Peridot! It felt like a dream come true for Lapis, her faced started to heat up, but she remembered that Peridot needed a place to sleep, Lapis didn't have an air mattress to let Peridot sleep on and she knows her couch isn't comfortable to lay on for sleeping, but her bed was big enough to fit two people, Lapis blushed from the thought of Peridot sleeping next to her but, she had no choice but to invite Peridot to sleep with her (not in that context)

Peridot stepped out of the bathroom, wearing gym shorts that were slightly pulled down revealing the hem of her boxers, and a oversized solid color shirt Lapis stared at Peridot before looking away quickly before she was spotted.

"So where am I gonna sleep?" Peridot asked ruffling up her damp hair.

"Well since I don't have an air mattress nor is my couch comfortable, you'll be sleeping...with me." Lapis felt her face heat up, Peridot looked at her with doe eyes, what did this girl just say?

"Oh well, uhm...I hope you don't mind my sleeping habits" Peridot chuckled nervously.

"What are they, if you don't mind me asking."

"Well, usually I just sleep with my bra and boxers on, but since i'm in your dorm, i don't wanna make you uncomfortable."

"Ah, well that's doesn't matter, I sleep in a shirt and underwear, so we're quite the same, right?" I laughed, Peridot laughed along with me.

"I guess you're right." Peridot walks towards the bed and takes off her shirt, Lapis just stared but looked away, she didn't want to be seen drooling over Peridot.

After removing her glasses and shorts, leaving her in her sports bra and boxers, Peridot awkwardly crawled into bed, "Well, I guess goodnight Lapis." Peridot laughed tiredly.

"Goodnight Peridot." Lapis turned off her lamp and settled into bed, hearing the soft snoring of the smaller girl made Lapis chuckled softly.

Hopefully nothing odd happens during the night.

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