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Hi yes, it's me the author of this story.

I don't know really how to start this, BUT.
I have thoughts about this story, and by thoughts, I mean thoughts, so much so it's been eating my brain from the inside out, so shall I proceed.

In reality, I don't like this story, I was proud at first from it, I was surprised that people actually took the time and read it, not that I am mad about that, no thank you for reading it, it's just that, the story was all over the place, if i was to write it and then give it to myself to read, I would be asking myself, how does this fit in, why does it fit in, and if I could change something about it.

I would change everything about this story, the pacing, better interactions, description, everything under the sun of a narrative story, but at the time I couldn't cause I never written something like this before, it never came across my mind to try and sit down and do a proof read before i publish it, it also never came across my mind to read the last chapter and see where it ties into the newly written chapter.

So what I mean to say about this is that I hate it, i won't take it down, I don't think i'll ever take it down, cause I would like to look back and see how far I came to where I'll be if I continue to write stories like these.

So yeah, I guess that's about it, I am thinking about writing a new story, still about Lapidot, but I just want to make up for this god awful thing of a story I created a year ago.

I'm still thinking about the plot, but I know that I would like to make Peridot trans, more specifically a trans man, cause i'm a trans man and I would like to incorporate trans struggles in stories (Cause I barely see any and it kinda disappoints me)

But yeah, that was it, i guess let me know if you people would like a new story to replace this one.

-me 🗣️🗣️

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