Chapter fourteen

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*Knock knock knock*

Lapis's head snapped towards her door, earning an annoyed sigh, she opened the door to see who it was, she hoped to be Peridot, but unfortunately, the stars had other plans for the bluenette.

"Hey Lapis." The woman's voice rasped as she spoke, Lapis's eyes widened, she gritted her teeth at the sight of this monster she so called her "lover."

"What do you want." Lapis hissed through her teeth, not wanting see or look at her face any more, "Missed you too Lazuli." The woman smirked, forcing herself in to Lapis's dorm, Lapis struggled as she tried to get her out of her room.

"Get out Jasper!" Lapis yelled, feeling herself get tired, but she couldn't give up, she couldn't let the woman who hurt her come back in her life again.

"Why don't we talk about this Lappy, I'm so much better now." Lapis felt her arms and legs burn due to the struggling, "No! Get out of here, get out of my life!" Lapis gritted her teeth, soon the door slammed shut and Lapis heard commotion behind her door, soon a slap can be heard before a loud thud on the ground, Lapis opened the door and saw Peridot on the ground while Jasper on top of her just throwing punches at Peridot, luckily enough, Peridot managed to miss a few punches but she still got some blows to the face, blood trickling down her nose, her glasses away from her face, they must've been thrown.

Jasper started to get tired which prompted Peridot to twist their position, Peridot was now on top and Jasper on bottom, Peridot threw punches at Jasper.

"When someone says get out, you get out!" Peridot huffed out, Lapis had to do something quickly, other people came out of their dorms to see the commotion happening, but before they could all see the one on top, Lapis quickly pulled Peridot by the hood of her jacket and slammed her door shut.

"What we're you thinking!" Lapis looked at Peridot who was on the ground with her eyes big, what was Peridot thinking.

"I was just helping you! She wouldn't get out even when you said so!" Peridot argued back, her nose still bleeding profusely, the side of her head had a small cut that was bleeding as well, Lapis sighed and looked at her watch, she was late, they were both late.

"Peridot, I can fight my own battles okay? I don't need you going around and beating people to the ground." Peridot stared into the blue eyes Lapis has, Peridot could get lost in them forever, Lapis snapped her fingers to get the smaller girl to focus.

"Look i'm going to clean you up and retrieve your glasses, go sit on the couch." Lapis rubbed her head and walked out the door, Jasper was gone and Peridot's glasses where a few steps away from her door, she reached over for them and picked them up, inspecting the frames for any cracks or any mishaps that could've been caused from the fight.

Lapis walked back into her dorm, glasses in hand, closing the door shut and setting the glasses down on the counter, she got the first aid kit from the bathroom and took a sit next to Peridot, who was just spaced out, her nose stopped bleeding but Lapis still took the time to clean around her nose.

"I'll be gentle when I rub this anti-bacterial wipe on you, just don't flinch." Lapis grabbed Peridot's chin and twisted it to the side, the sudden contact made Peridot shiver just a bit, Lapis started to rub on the cut on Peridot's cheek, discomfort started to surround Peridot's face, she hated the wipes, but it's better than getting an infection.

"There i'm done, but now we can't go to school and i know how much you like going to school you dork." Lapis's lips twitched into a small smile, Peridot looked over at Lapis with half lidded eyes and fell forward into Lapis, her head landing on her lap. What just happened? that was the question Lapis was thinking, why did Peridot suddenly pass out, but she wasn't passed out, it was so quiet that you could hear Peridot's small snores.

Lapis decided to stay like that, not wanting to wake her up, she must be tired, Lapis would be to if she had to fight that big girl like Jasper, soon enough Lapis also got tired, seeing and hearing Peridot sleep made Lapis want to sleep too.

While petting Peridot's hair, Lapis had her left hand on Peridot's waist positioning her into a more comfortable sleeping pose, moving her hand up and resting it at her shoulder, with the last stroke of Peridot's hair, Lapis fell asleep, she felt safe enough to sleep, especially when Peridot is right next to her, soon enough, the two girls were asleep, small snores coming out of both their mouths.

What a weird way to start the day.

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