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Going out?

Peridot's Pov

5:29 am

I woke up from my sleep, I checked the time on my phone, it was only 5:29 in the morning, there were messages from yesterday at night, they were from Lapis, 'Wonder what she wants.' I thought, I grabbed my glasses from the nightstand and adjusted my eyes to the light from my phone, I opened up the messages.

Water gem: Hey it's me Lapis, you left your hoodie in my dorm if you want it back just swing by! (7:21)

Water gem: hey it's me again, i dunno if you're asleep or busy, but i'm just making sure you got my text about your hoodie, hope you have a good night! (7:24)

So that's what I was missing, I felt i lost something but i just couldn't put my finger on it, either way i need to get that hoodie back, I look at them time,
5:42 am, very early, the night is still present, I still had my shoes on, I was too tired to take them off, either way I switched out of my sweatshirt and just settled for a short-sleeve shirt, although it was cold in the hallways, my room is a nice cozy warm and I was hot, I still had my jeans on so no need to put on any pants, I quietly walk out of my room, the silence was deafening, I had my phone on me to use for a flashlight, I didn't want to fall and make tons of noise to disturb the others sleep.

After making my way down stairs, I opened the door and walked out into the hallway, the cold air hitting my warm skin made me shiver just a bit, I walked down to Lapis's door, I always forget she's so close to me.

Lapis's pov

We both leaned in, our noses touching, I could feel her breath on my lips, "Are you sure you wanna do this, we don't have to if you don't want to, I mea-"

I put my finger on her lips, gosh they were so soft, "Please, let us do this, for once." With loving eyes, leaning much more forward, our eyes closing, lips touc- BANG BANG BANG.

I jolted awake, I look around my room after almost being scared to death, I grabbed my phone, 5:52 am, who the hell is up at this time, I take the blanket off me and get off of my bed, my hair is a mess, I wanna go back to my dream it was getting so good, ugh whoever this person is I swear i'm going to beat their ass.

"Alright, who ever is outside of my door you better have a explanation when i open cause if i swear to the stars I will-" I open my door and i am greeted by Peridot, "What the actual hell are you doing up at this time," I rubbed my eye, she had a reddish tone to her face, I wonder why, I look down, I completely forgot i was wearing her hoodie and no pants, I blush furiously.

"I-Uhm I'm sorry, Uhh please come in," I turn on my lights, Peridot walks in still with a red face, looking at the ground, I excuse myself to go put something on, once i'm in my room, as soon as i heard the click from my door, I slide down groaning,

"How could I forget i wasn't wearing anything but this." I facepalmed, I got up as fast and put on some pajama pants, I had a tank top underneath Peridot's hoodie so i just left my room looking like this.

"Here you go, sorry I put it on, I...I hand nothing else to wear." I lied, I did have other shirts to wear, but I couldn't help myself not put it on.

"It's fine, at least it's clean right?" She laughed, such a cute laugh, 'I wish i could hear it more of- No Lapis, stop these thoughts.'

"Hey Lapis listen... I know we just met, but I was wondering if you would...I dunno like to hang out sometime? If it's only okay to you! I'm not trying to force you into anything you wouldn't like to do." Peridot rubbed the back of her neck, did... did she just ask me out?

"Uhm, sure i guess, i really don't have anything to do on the weekends, if you don't mind, what are we gonna do?" Peridot had this gleam in her eyes.

"I really didn't think i would get this far haha," she chuckled nervously, "I guess you can choose where we're going."

"Well I was gonna say the beach since i haven't been swimming in a while, but the weather isn't doing any justice, so I guess we can...Oh wait, I have this art project that requires me to draw a full body image, would... would you be up to it? If-if you wanna i'm not forcing you to do it." I look away from Peridot's gaze, from my peripheral vision I see her looking at me, eye widened, a small blush appears on her face.

"Do I have to like...Get naked or something?" I snapped my head to meet her eyes, my face hot and red, my eyes were big like a dinner plate.

"Oh my stars no!" I snorted, Peridot's face turned in relief, "You can keep your clothing on, but my teacher recommended I try and draw muscles, and since you work out, I think it will be best to do so, y'know." I rub my arm awkwardly.

"Well, I guess we can do it, when can we start?" I checked the time it was 6:17, "Maybe in a couple of hours, if you want to do some light exercises before we start i don't mind." I smiled.

"Well alright, by the way, can I get my hoodie back? I don't mean to be rude." Peridot chuckled.

"Huh. Oh yeah right sorry by the way." I giggled, handing her hoodie back to her

"It's fine, it looked really nice on you." Peridot's face turned red and so did mine 'Did she really just say that?'

"Oh my stars I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that!" Peridot covered her face, I couldn't but laugh.

"It's alright, I'll take the compliment, you should head back to your dorm." I walked towards the door, Peridot following behind me.

"Okay Lazuli, i'll see you in a couple of hours." She smiled, 'She has such a cute smile'

"See ya later Peri!" I waved goodbye, I watched her walk back into her dorm, 'Right next door huh, not so bad.'

I closed my door and sighed, walking back into my room, and fall on the bed, letting once again the darkness engulf me.

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