Chapter eighteen

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Close call

Lapis pov

I slowly opened my eyes due to the sun hitting my face, squinting I started to make out what I saw, I wasn't in my room, this didn't feel like my bed nor did it smell like it, I heard a heartbeat coming from the object I was laying on, I turned my head and it was Peridot, my hands were wrapped around her waist and hers wrapped around my back, I was mentally freaking out but I didn't want to move, she was so warm and her room was cold, why do I feel like this happened before?

I kept my eyes on her, she looks really cute when she's sleeping, a bit of drool was coming out of her mouth, her hair was covering her forehead, her face was slightly red, I wonder what's up with that, could she be sick? I slid my hand to feel her face, the sudden coldness of her room made my hand slightly tremble, does she always sleep like this? No wonder why she has a thick blanket, I touched her face, it was cold against my warm hand, Peridot felt my hand and melted into it, snuggling into it to keep the warmth from my hand, I blushed at her actions, a smile now plastered on my face, I quickly took my hand away from her face due to the sound of her door knob jingling.

"Perido- Oh good morning Lapis, fancy seeing you here." Pearl's lips were turned into a smirk, "It's not what you think it is." I laughed, I tried to slowly getting up but Peridot pushed me back down, Pearl snorted.

"Take your time you two, you have two hours to get ready, i'll come back in a bit." Pearl closed the door, I sighed happily, looking back at Peridot who was still at calm, I inspected her face closely, her freckles scattered across her cheeks, her eyebrows are slightly bushy and dark, it's a beautiful contrast against her green-blonde hair, she really took care of those tips, her lips looked so soft and kissable, 'Maybe I do have feelings...'

I felt butterflies in my stomach, I can't really tell why I like her but, there's just something about her that makes her so unique, her voice, the way she talks and walks, her eyes are so bright but get hidden away from her tinted glasses, but those glasses look sick, all the large and small scars around her face, they tell a story that I need to know.

"What time is it." Peridot croaked, "Well good morning to you too sleepy head." I giggled.

"How long have we been like this?" Peridot quickly removed her hand away from my back and crossed them around her chest, "I dunno, I woke up and saw your hands around my back, so I guess for a while."  Peridot hummed in response, closing her eyes again and calmly breathing.

"Well I apologize for the way we're positioned, I didn't know we'd end up like this." She spoke, "I don't mind at all y'know, your room is really cold, so I appreciate your warmth." I smiled, her eyes shot open, a small tint of red appeared on her face.

"Heh, you're welcome I guess." Peridot slicked her hair back revealing her forehead scar, I wanna ask but I feel like i'll push it, I moved to the corner of the bed to let Peridot get up and get ready, we now have an hour and 27 minutes to get ready, I miss her warmth already, Peridot sat up and got up from the bed, stretching, lewd noises came from her, I felt something happen in me, "So Lazuli, what are your plans for today?"

"Huh? Oh, I dunno, I might just go to this big fight everyone is talking about, something about this person named '5XG' and 'Crash Helmet,' I know who 'Crash Helmet' is unfortunately, but this '5XG' person seem like a true fighter for fighting her y'know." I looked over at Peridot, she looked odd but she quickly hid her expression, "What about you Peri."

"I'm just gonna stay home, I got a project for engineering and I have to finish it." She stated, I guess she doesn't wanna talk about work, I mean who wouldn't, it's Friday, no one wants to hear about work.

"Ah I understand, are you still up to teach me guitar?"

"I wouldn't forget about that, I actually went out a bought this guitar just for you, custom made, it's a Squier Bullet Strat HT, a nice sonic grey color that looks like blue, there's a small Lapis Lazuli gem on the back with some water wings spreading out, I wanted it special just for you since you wanna learn and such." Peridot gave a small chuckle.

"Really! For me?!" I was stunned, I didn't know she was gonna go all out, especially for me, "No its for another girl named Lapis, obviously you ya knuckle head." Peridot laughed at her own sarcasm, so did I.

"Here I'll get it for you, it's just in my closet." Peridot walked towards her closet, I tried to keep my eyes off her behind, but my eyes had difficulty to do so, Peridot got out the guitar, it was still in its case, she walked over to me and handed me the case, "Thank you Peridot, I really appreciate this." I stared into her eyes as she sat down on the bed next to me, her face now reddening, I felt my head lean closer to her, she started to do the same, my face was all hot, inching closer and closer, I felt her breath on my lips, our noses touching, I heard my heartbeat bang in my ears, Peridot slid the guitar case away from us and pulled me by the belt loop of my pants, her blonde hair now entangled with mine, foreheads touching, we were just about to close the gap until.

"Lapis? Peridot? You guys awake?" Peridot jolted up and off the bed, 'God damn you Pearl, you fucking cockblocker.'

"Oh good, come on now you have exactly an hour and 2 minutes left to get ready, I'll go now, bye bye~" Pearl smiled and closed the door, I groaned and smashed my face into Peridot's pillow, 'How much more embarrassing can this be.'

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