Chapter three

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It's her...?

Lapis's POV

The rays is sun shine can through the blinds of my room, I sighed dreading that fact I have to go to class, it's not like I'm not smart I am it's just... how do I put this, I don't really enjoy just sitting and hearing someone speak for an 2 hours and having to repeat the same thing over everyday, oh well what can I do.

"7:43?! WHAT THE HELL I HAVE 13 MINUTES TO GET READY!" I quickly out of bed and rushed into my bathroom, quickly brushed my teeth and hair, I washed my face even though I have good skin that doesn't mean I can't wash my face, I ran back into my room, slid on some grey loose sweatpants and a sweater, I didn't care that I didn't have an undershirt I have to leave, I grabbed my bag, phone, and keys and headed out the door, turning off my lights as I leave, slamming my door shut, I felt something or someone staring at me, I looked over to my left to find a girl with blonde hair shaped into a small triangle, it looked pretty funny to say the least, she had like green tinted glasses, freckles dusted her cheeks, her pale skin contrasted her freckles making them stand out more, a scar plastered on her forehead making her look more intriguing.

"Peridot?" a voice called out, 'Huh...Peridot.'

"Huh? What? Oh yes, sorry Pearl, I'm comin'." she said, quickly turing her head to the voice calling out to her. gosh she sounded nice, it's like I can listen to her for hours, I regained my thoughts and locked my door, I walked the same path as "Peridot" was going, seems stalker-ish but my car is on the left side of the apartments, I kept my distance from her group, I saw they are taking the elevator, there were five of them, the elevator can hold ten people, so I went along with them, It was very awkward when I came in, I looked away from them when I stepped in.

Peridot's POV

The girl I previously starred at came in to the elevator with me and the others, she came in a stood next to me, I didn't know how to react so i stood in place, pressed the garage floor button, and soon the doors closed, I noticed the girl next to me kept looking around, I really wanted to initiate conversation but I couldn't bring myself to do so, but Amethyst as per usual decided to say something.

"WOAH YOU HAVE SUCH COOL HAIR!" The bluenette turned to her with a slight blush on her cheeks and rubbed her hair with her hand.

"Oh why thanks, I did it myself, I kinda wanted to do something new with my hair yknow." she said, 'wow her voice is so beauti- no Peridot don't think those thoughts.'

"Do you think you can dye my hair! I really don't like how "boring" my hair looks, I kinda want like a light purple." Amethyst said.

"Uhm...Sure, i'm not busy later, come by when your done with your work, then I can do it." she gave a small smile towards Amethyst.

"Hey Peri, why don't you do something your hair, change it up a bit." Amethyst said while ruffling my hair,

"Amethyst! It took me a while to do my hair and no I don't wanna dye my hair, I like the way it is thank you very much." I scoffed as I slapped her hand away from my hair, the bluenette gave a small giggle from our little quarrel, 'Thats so cute.'

"Oh come on P-dot, you've kept your hair blonde for so long why not do a small change like a streak of green since green is your color anyway."

"No, my hair looks good the way it is."

"Ehh I think it would look nice with some green in it." Steven butted in,

"What! You too?!" I looked at both of them with a stupid look on my face.

"Well yeah, I've seen you with blonde hair for a long time so why not do something with it, besides, I dyed my hair a dark pink once, although Pearl wasn't happy." Steven chuckled while scratching his neck.

"Yes and I will make sure it doesn't happen again." Pearl said.

"It probably will since mom really liked my hair, she said it 'Brings out personality.'" Steven snickered.

"Like heck it will!" Pearl shouted.

"HAHA PEARL ITS OKAY TO CURSE AROUND STEVEN." Amethyst laughed, tears coming out of her eyes.

While Pearl, Steven, and Amethyst continued arguing about Steven and his "well being of not cursing and being a good kid." as Pearl always says, I sighed and turned over to the bluenette next to me.

"Sorry about them, they act like children sometimes." I apologized to her.

"Heh it's fine, sometimes my folks are like that too with me." She giggled.

"Oh trust me, as soon as you become friends with them, it's a never ending spat between the lovers and their 'child'." I joked, the bluenette gave a small smile.

"Who's the love birds?" Her eyes connected to mine.

"Oh just the two having the spat about the curly haired boy."

"They seem to get along well." she chuckled, "Hey Steven, how's it been?" The bluenette turned her attention towards Steven.

"Hey Lapis! long time to see ay?" Steven pointed finger guns at her 'No..It can't be.'

"Been a while since our last hangout right?" Lapis commented.

"Yeah it has been a while," Steven moved away from the lovers, "Are we still beach summer fun buddies?"

"Of course we are Steven! I wouldn't want to lose my fun buddy."

Steven went in for a hug and Lapia accepted it, putting her hand on top of his curly hair with a smile plastered on her face.

"Where are you going after this?" The elevators doors open all of us collectively stepping out, Pearl and Amethyst still having a spat.

"Well, I'm going to my car first and then Art is my first class, then it's my foreign language class, study hall after that and i'm off for the rest of the day." She said turning to leave.

"Well I gotta go now, I'll see you later Steven and as for you triangle hair, come by when you get a chance, maybe I can do something with that hair of yours." She wrote down her number and placed it directly in the middle of my chest, I had a shocked look on my face, a dash of pink planted on my face, 'That...did not just happen...but it did?'

What am I ever going to do....

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