Chapter nineteen

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Beat down. (pt1)

Peridot's pov

It's my first class of the day and my stomach is feeling odd, it's like i'm nervous but I don't wanna be, I can't be right now, I need to be focused in class not about what's gonna happen later, I sighed quietly and continued to focus on the teacher, we're learning about software engineering, my favorite, i'm really good with computers and such, no wonder why i'm called a dork.

Two hours had now passed and it was time for my study hall, my schedule changes every week, this entire week has been nothing but computer science engineering and then next week is just my music classes, it's a good balance in my opinion.

I walk out of campus and go to my car, I heard my name being called, I ignored it, I can't be bothered by anything right now. My name continued to be called, the voice was familiar, very very familiar, I turned around to see who could it be, Jasper.

"Didn't you hear me calling you name dork?!" Jasper's face twisted in a crooked smile, I don't like the look of that, "I heard you but I can't be bothered right now, jus-"

"Oh you 'Can't be bothered right now. Look at me guys I'm Peridot and i'm gonna get my ass torn to shreds in the cage.' " Jasper mocked me, I clenched my jaw not wanting to cause a scene.

"Go harass someone else, I don't have time to play your silly little games Jasper." I waved my hand to dismiss her, it was a wrong move I'll admit it, she grabbed my hand and squeezed it hard, I winced due to the pain, I tried to wriggle my hand out of her grasp but it caused even more pain, "I know you've been around my ex and I really don't appreciate Greene, so I'll make a deal with you, If i knock you brains out, you leave Lapis and I alone, but if you win, i'll leave you two alone but mark my words," Jasper leaned closer to my ear, "You'll never see the light of day if you lose Greene."

Jasper snickered and released my hand, she walked away, my heart was beating in my chest, I can feel the adrenaline pumping in my veins, I can't just leave Lapis alone, for god sakes she's my neighbor and I hate to admit it, but my crush, I can't just blatantly ignore her like that.

Time skip.(Peridot's pov cont.)

I stepped into my dorm to find no one home, it's currently 6:27, a few hours until that, I came home from a bit of training, it was such a hard session, I was sweating, my hair is a mess and overall I just feel sticky and gross, I placed my bags by the door not bothering to take it to my room, I was just about to leave the living room till I heard a knock on the door 'I swear if it's some dumb kid trying to get something out of me I swear to-' "Hey Peridot!"

Oh no....

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