Chapter four

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New hair look?

Peridots PoV

'Did that really just happen?!' So many thoughts raced in my mind, I got her number...I got her number. Oh my stars! I took the post-it from my chest, it reads.

"If you ever wanna stop by and get your hair a change up, call me: 229-xxx-xxxx or show up to my dorm: Unit B dorm room 23"

I stared at the note, reading it over and over again, I was in a trance 'Such good handwriting, wish that could be me.'

As the group continued to walk, I walked into a pole that sent Amethyst bend over backwards with a huge laugh that echoed across the entire parking lot, I took stepped back and fixing my glasses before feeling something liquidly running down my nose, I exhaled loudly realizing it's a nosebleed, I tend to get one when i'm not careful, but what can I do, I'm clumsy.

Pearl handed me a tissue and i stuffed my nose with the tissue, I grumbled as we reached out cars, I unlocked my car and hopped in, Amethyst walked over before going into Pearl's car, I rolled down my windows.

"So Peri, ya going to color your hair or what?" She said with a smirk plastered across her face.

"...I don't know, I guess? I haven't thought it about it enough, Look i'll get back to you after class." I replied.

"Fine by me round-face." Amethyst gave me a noogie, I shoved her arms away from her, Amethyst giving out a small giggle until a honk came from Pearl's car.

"Let's go Amy!" Pearl shouted.

"Alright alright, make up your mind before we go, see ya nerd." Amethyst said before walking over to Pearl's car.

I sighed rolling up my windows. I look at my rear view mirror, 'Maybe i do want a new look, I could change up a bit.' I thought tussling up my hair. I started my engine and hoped the day goes smoothly.

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