Chapter fifteen

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It was 3:21, Lapis woken from her sleep? or nap, either way she woke up, Peridot was still sleeping, taking in deep inhales, Lapis' lips tugged into a smile, seeing Peridot feeling comfortable enough to lay on Lapis.

Lapis stayed on the couch waiting for Peridot to wake up, it's taking a while for the blonde to wake up, Lapis is wondering if she's still alive, but oddly enough, Peridot started to move, instead of turning her body towards Lapis, she turned it away and fell on the floor, straight on her back, this caused Peridot to moan in pain and Lapis to stifle a laugh.

"What time is it?" That was the only thing Peridot said before she closed her eyes, wanting to fall asleep, Lapis, being the nice person she is, got up from the couch and pulled Peridot in to a seated position, cause the smaller of the two to groan.

"It's 3:37, you've been asleep for a while now." Lapis read her watch, turning her face to look at Peridot, her blonde locks sticking out, her eyelid looked as it was droop down again, Peridot was exhausted.

"How long has it been since you gotten a good sleep Peridot?" Lapis' face twisted with concern for her friend, what causes her to just pass out like that.

"I dunno... maybe a week? I can't remember." Peridot spoke very tiredly, "That pillow was comfortable by the way." the blonde yawned, Lapis' face was beet red, did she not remember what she slept on?

"That pillow...was my thighs Peridot." The bluenette chuckled awkwardly, Peridot's eyes widened with embarrassment, "OH MY GOSH IM SO SORRY I DIDNT KNOW!" Peridot's face redden, she covered her face with her hands, her heart was thumping out of her chest, why did she not remember, what made her not remember, maybe the sheer exhaustion is what caused her not to remember but still, she have had to remember, right?

Lapis snorted at Peridot's antics, "It's alright Peri, my first initial thought was you were comfortable enough with me to do that."

Peridot felt her heart flutter, but she still apologized no matter how many times Lapis said it was okay, they both sat in silence, a comfortable silence, the silence almost made Peridot fall back asleep, but Lapis broke the silence.

"You still look really tired, would you like to sleep in my bed?" Peridot looked over at Lapis, she didn't know what to think, yes she was tired but she could still understand a whole lot, after not having a good sleep in a while, Peridot needed some type of sweet release for sleep.

"Uhmm, I guess so, I wouldn't mind." The short one gave a smile, Lapis couldn't handle it, that little grin on her dumb freckled face made the tanned ones' heart do a 360°, but she kept her composure and got up from the couch, Peridot being the dummy she is, decided she wanted to fall asleep after Lapis got up, heavy breaths can be heard from the pale girl's lips, Lapis sighed with a goofy smile on her face, and carried Peridot, for someone so small, she's quite heavy, of course she has muscle, but Lapis expected her to be somewhat light, but she didn't mind, all she wanted was for her friend to get a nice sleep.

Peridot was tucked into Lapis' bed, feeling the thick blanket wrap around her frame made her fall deeper into sleep, the bluenette looked at her, care was written all over her face, there was a knock on the door, Lapis froze, she didn't want it to be her.

Full of hesitation, the door opened and revealed Peridot's roommates, worried expressions filled their faces, "Hey Lapis have you seen Peridot?" Amethyst's voice full of concern, "Yeah, she's sleeping right now." Their faces looked of pure relief, but soon turned into a surprised expression, "What did you two do?" Amethyst being Amethyst decided to ask that question with a smirk plastered on her face, that made the bluenette's face a hot red, facepalming, Pearl smacked her girlfriend on the back for that, "Ouch! I was just wondering P!"

"Well you could've said something else besides that lingo." Pearl squawked.

"Anyway, I have Peridot, she's sleeping right now, but she's okay I swear." Lapis gave them a warm smile, all of them said thank you and to make sure she comes back to her dorm, the door closed and Lapis headed back to her room.

"Looks like it's just me and you Peri... I wonder what you're dreaming about?" Lapis softly ruffled Peridot's hair, earning a grunt from the blonde which made the bluenette giggle.

Later, Lapis herself gotten sleepy, and got her self comfortable in her bed, the warmth Peridot was producing made Lapis fall asleep instantly, both girls were asleep, it was currently 4:07, such a sleepy day.

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