Chapter seventeen

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Peridot's pov

It's been two days since I last saw Lapis, we never got to go to Funland as we planned, it was also an awkward moment of retrieving my glasses from her dorm.

Flashback (Peridot's pov cont.)

It was the next day, Tuesday to be exact, I had to get my glasses, I never got them back yesterday I was too far along with my thought and my emotions got the best of me, didn't want it to happen but it did.

I knocked on Lapis' door and the knob jingled, Lapis opened the door and she looked...I don't wanna sound rude, but she looked rough, her hair is a mess, eyes puffy and red, her face red, was she crying?

"Can I help you?" Lapis croaked, she sound even worse, "I uhm, I came to get my glasses." I rubbed the back of my neck and looked away.

"Come in." She sighed, I can't help but feel bad for her,  I came in and saw my glasses on the counter, I grabbed them and and turned to look at her, she was hugging herself, "Um...Thanks for keeping them, I appreciate it."

"Yeah yeah, you can go now." She walked away to her room, I felt my heart go heavy, why is it acting like this, I can't have any distractions.

I walked out of her dorm, wishing she was waving me goodbye but, that never happened.

End of flashback.

Whatever, I needed to focus. I was at the gym, I got done doing bicep curls when I felt a tap on my shoulder, it was Garnet, "Ah Garnet, you scared me for a second, I thought you were someone else." I laughed while putting down the weights, "So, how can I help you?" I smiled.

"I came here to ask what was up with you Monday, you shut us off for the past two days when we brought it up, I need to know what's wrong." I felt my smile drop, I sighed deeply and rub my forehead.

"Nothings wrong with me, I just had a bad day and I didn't need to distracted with my feelings, alright?" I went to get the weights until I noticed they were gone, now Garnet had them.

"Give those back." I tried to reach for them but, Garnet held them high, playing that dumb silly game, I maybe short, but i'm a strong person, but i'm not even gonna go against Garnet.

"Not unless you tell me what's going on." Garnet put the weights up, I look down in embarrassment, I didn't want to tell her, I can't let her know, I have to though, "Fine i'll tell you when I get home, okay?"

"That's fine by me, just tell me what's going on next time." Garnet patted my head, she walked away and exited the gym.


After some time, I got done with my workout, took a shower in the gym restrooms, they were very clean and actually didn't smell like ass, I arrived at the dorms, I was walking to my room and saw Lapis exiting her dorm, my mind was telling me to say hi, but my body wouldn't let that happen, my heart was aching, why am I behaving like this.

I was fumbling with my keys and in the corner of my eye saw Jasper, 'Why is she here.'

"Hey pipsqueak," Jasper grabbed my shoulder and pushed me up against the wall, "What the hell do you want?" I spat, seeing her face makes me sick.

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