|Falling 4 U|

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!! (f! reader) !!


You couldn't remember the last time you took a break for yourself.

After getting a job at a local coffee shop, you've just been too busy to do anything else. Not only were you were working, but you were also currently in high school. Making it difficult to balance your social life.

"C'mon, (Y/N). When are you gonna come by the lair one of these days?" April placed her elbows on the table, resting her palms under her head. "We all really miss you!"

April was currently visiting you at your work, making sure you were still alive. "I can't make any promises, April, but whenever I'll get the chance, I will visit. Don't worry." You said, sipping your drink.

"Leo really misses you ya know?"

You nearly spat out your drink after hearing April's words. "Oh uh, d-does he now?"

April winks at you, grinning softly. "It's honestly so annoying hearing him ask about you all day! You need a day off to get a date with that turtle."

"All right look, I'm free tonight. How about me, you, and Sunita go for some Run of the Mill pizza, huh? A girls night. I promise to spend another time with everyone else, kay?" You hope that your invitation would make April let go of her ideas of Leo and you.

Ever since that one sleepover, April teases you whenever you're around the red striped turtle. You honestly regret telling her. And it doesn't help knowing that the other brothers can obviously tell Leo's feelings for you.

"Sounds good to me! See ya later, (Y/N). And remember not to overwork yourself!" April shouted as she made her way to the shop's door. You sent her a small wave as she left.

You sighed in your chair, slumping against the smooth wooden surface. Deep down, you felt like you had just made the worst decision of your life.


You and April made your way to the pizza restaurant, seeing Sunita wave her hand excitedly in her human form.

Both of you walked over to the mutant and exchanged hellos.

"What a serious surprise (Y/N)! I thought I would never see you again until Christmas!" Sunita faked a sniffle, throwing both of her arms around you.

"I'm sorry I wasn't able to update you guys much. I'm here now and that's all that matters!" You reassured both Sunita and April, patting Sunita's back.

"You got that right. Now let's find our table!" April headed to an empty table, seating herself.

You were all seated comfortably when Señor Hueso came by your table. "Good evening girls, would you like to get started on drinks?"

Just as Sunita was going to order, your eye catches a flash of bright blue. You leaned over a bit to confirm what you were seeing. It was Leo, waiting patiently at the front desk. His eyes wondered around the restaurant tiredly.

He looks so bored. You thought to yourself, chuckling softly.


A voice pulled you into reality. "Yeah, sorry?"

"Are you ready to order, mija?" Señor Hueso stared at you, tilting his head, waiting for a response.

Meanwhile, Leo got impatient waiting for help, so he made his way to the restrooms. As he walked over, he heard a familiar voice.

(Y/N)? He thought to himself. There's no way he heard your sweet voice. It's been a while since he was able to hear you. He turned his head towards the source of the sound and there you were, staring straight at him.

You nervously waved at him, slightly blushing knowing you were caught staring.

Before Leo could react, he tripped over thin air, sending his face to the floor.

The sound of the thud made Seníor Hueso and the girls snap their heads around.

"Pepino? Are you alright?" The skeletal man asked Leo who was struggle to get back up.

"Leo! What a coincidence seeing you here on this fine night! Alone." April said, grinning mischievously.

Of course, once again, I have trapped myself into a
April's plan. You glared at her.

"Hey, uhh guys! H-How are things going? Hey Señor!" Leo awkwardly made his way to your table, ignoring the fact that he fell in front of his crush.

"Hello!" Sunita welcomed him with a warm smile.

"Are you okay Leo? That was quite a fall you took there." You asked the turtle.

Leo stared at you for a few moments before April stood up and grabbed Sunita by the wrist.

"Oh dang! I forgot about a assignment that's due tomorrow. Well I better get going now bye guys!" She dragged Sunita out of the booth, speeding toward the exit.

You sighed. She is so gonna pay.

"Ehe, if you don't mind, can I join you?" Leo returned back to his normal self, smirking.

"Of course I don't, just don't leave me like April and Sunita." You slighted laughed.

Leo presses his hand to his cheek."Oh trust me, I would never." He grinned at you.

"Well now that it's just the two of you, are you ready ready to order now, or am I going to have to wait until someone else falls on their face?" Señor Hueso's patience was running thin and both you and Leo could tell, so you ordered quickly.

"It's been a long time since I've hung out with you guys, huh? Sorry for staring at you earlier and making you fall. I just wanted to see if you'd notice me." You wrapped your arms around yourself, rubbing them slightly.

"Hey! That was nothing! You just caught me off guard is all!" Leo laughed. "Plus, it's really nice to see you again, (Y/N). I've really missed you."

His serious tone in the last sentence made you visibly blush. "So I've been told." You teased him. Now it was Leo's turn to get flustered. "But seriously, is your face okay after the face plant?"

"Eh, what can I say, I guess I just fell for you." Leo found himself again and teased back.

You smiled at him with admiration. You'd usually would complain about his one liners and flirtatious attitude, but you missed him.

Both of you continued the night, catching up and talking about the most random things. Little did you guys know, April and Sunita had in fact not left and were spying on you both with the rest of the turtles.


I have a huge head canon that April and Sunita are gfs :')

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