| Our Signature Color and Occasional Getaways |

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!! (gn! reader) !!

[tw]: slight cursing
You weren't one to be in the middle of a snob party. But throughout your life, you had accumulated to get used to it.

Servers maneuvered around guests with silver platters balanced perfectly on their single arms. You were offered a glass of champagne earlier that evening but refused due to your age. Instead, you've been standing in a corner of the venue, grabbing appetizers from each platter that passed by.

You eyed the guest of this year's holiday charity event.

It was the same crowd of people as last year; the rich of New York City who pretend to pity anyone below them and try their best in helping them out.

Though drinking expensive beverages and eating away cocktails wasn't your idea of help.

You couldn't care less either way. You had only agreed to come for the sake of your parents, the ones who organized the whole ordeal.

Shivering, you looked down at your coat which had an ordinary shade to it. The family color is your only signature color.

You closed the opening of the woolen great with your arms, squeezing yourself as if the thin fabric would make you disappear.

God, you wished you disappeared. Maybe the universe could travel you directly to the Hamato Lair. Safely, in Leonardo's room.

The warm dimly lit chandeliers oddly brought you some form of comfort amidst all the raving conversations around you as you looked up.

You couldn't lie, the venue was beautiful. Holiday decor was placed throughout the building, spreading that bit of white Christmas magic.

"Enjoying yourself, young (L/N)?" a croaky small voice was heard and you looked down to directly where you had heard it. A mature woman stood next to you with a glass gracefully held by her slender hand. You've seen her before in past years and often make small talk, like family you only visit once a year for a holiday.

"It's the same every year, nothing to complain about, ma'am," you smiled weakly to her, showing your proper manners. You slightly cringed yourself, hearing your mother's voice in yours.

The woman hums, looks away, and sips her glass before speaking again, "It is, isn't it?" She turned her attention to you again and smiled softly, "but my dear, you don't seem to be enjoying yourself."

You prick up at her comment. She managed to read you like an open book. Nervously, you glanced away and exhaled through your mouth quietly, "I guess I'm not. I just—I'm tired of coming here every year. It doesn't feel... genuine. No offense to you ma'am," you chuckled slightly. The woman laughed as well, the white pearls on her neck shiny scarcely at the movement of her chest.

"I hear you, sweetheart. A family like yours is something so rare that we don't see it as so. It's become an everyday thing to attend such extravagant events. I understand we all need a break from it now and then," she glances your way again and sips her sparkling drink. You stared as she brought her rouge lips to the glass, cringing a little as she leaves a red stain on it.

You wished you had taken the offer of the champagne when presented with the opportunity.

Your phone vibrates through the coat and you rapidly went for it. You thought you had turned it off before arriving but to your astonishment, Leo had sent you a message.

Leon: hey can I call u right now or can it wait?
I can't wait.
I've got an EMERGENCY on my hands and I need YOUR help
answerrrrrr noooooowwwww

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