| Lifelong Promises |

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!! (gn! reader) !!

In a time of grievance, the reader falls into a deep depression and loses the ability to take care of themselves. Leo helps them out by volunteering to take care of their needs.

[TW: mentions of mental illnesses (depression) and mental breakdowns, death, blood, and violence]
(Also, a small amount of angst but it's literally nothing)

- vani


It had been weeks since their passing, so why couldn't you get over it?

You repeatedly reminded yourself to get out of the terrible depression you had fallen into. The days turned into weeks and eventually those weeks will turn into months, then years, and what comes after that? To you, it was pointless to think about it. You couldn't see see yourself that far into the future.

Since the passing, you've been trapping yourself in your home, scared of going back to a normal life as if nothing had happened. Everyone else around had moved on and you were stuck in your bubble, ready to self destruct. But that didn't mean that people were worried about you. Family and friends had visited you often, always bringing some sort of comfort whether it'd be a hug or condolences. And everyone has been telling you the same thing without saying these actual words; Get out of here and take care of yourself, (Y/N).

Thoughts of getting out of your comfort zone was terrifying to say the least.

But it's the little things that make it count, right (Y/N)?

You sighed heavily, pushing off the mountain of blankets that suffocated you. Now sitting up right, you reached for your phone that was laying on the ground, wondering to yourself how it got there. You turned on the device to see a generous amount of unread messages from your friends. Most were from the mutant brothers and April. And Leonardo Hamato was the one who mostly blew up your phone. Your brightly lit screen turned off and your reflection became visible on screen. You were stuck facing a void of nothingness.

You managed to read a few of the messages that were left of your friends. April came by everyday, always bringing some type of snack and comfort. And on the days she couldn't visit, she would always send you a message of encouraging words. But she made her visits short, knowing you needed personal space. The turtle brothers would text you almost everyday as well. You had all created a group chat full of stupid nonsense that you all texted. They would send you updates of their everyday activities, even if you didn't see the messages.

Leo didn't text in the group chat, instead he would text you individually. And it was almost the same thing everyday. He would text you about his day, how he was feeling, what he ate that day, and even throws in a couple of his jokes. Sometimes, Leo would ask how your day had been, even if you didn't respond to him back. He would ask you if you ate or got dressed. On a couple of occasions, he had invited you over for dinner or movie nights. You never responded.

It was as if Leonardo was talking to a ghost.

As of recently though, you had noticed small items being left just outside of your window. Last night, a pile of comics were laid out with a sticky note reading; These are some of my most prized possessions. I'm hoping to get them back so please enjoy! btw: movie night tomorrow so don't forget!!

No doubt, Leo was getting impatient with your isolation. His written sentence was stuck in your head and gave you a clue as to why. "I'm hoping to get them back." 

You placed your hands in your palms, trying your best to bury yourself in them. These little daily reminders from everyone made you feel more guilty. You find it hard to take it step by step. Hell, it was difficult enough to shower properly, so you couldn't imagine your life going back to normal when all you wanted to do was see them again.

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