| Out of The Blue |

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!! (gn! reader) !!


Walking down the road, yokai of any kind were rushing past you and your blue-masked friend as they buzzed with excitement. The crowded mob was minding their own business as they talked with neighbors as children were yelling their heads off in play.

Rows and rows of vendors were out on the unique streets of the Hidden City as they yelled outrageous prices of their products.

It couldn't be any more of a perfect Saturday afternoon.

"Woah. It's busy today. Wonder what event is going on?" Leo looked around with the tails of his mask whipping you in the face. "Wanna go get ice cream at that one place we found in the alleyway?"

"You mean the dark alleyway that's filled with Hidden City's most wanted?" you could cocked your head.

Leo shrugged. "A small price to pay if you want ice cream that's edible for you." he winked your way, knowing he had a reasonable point.

You sighed and chuckled. "Well, I did agree to come with you today." you walked just a little ahead of him. "Let's go, Blue. Maybe we'll find a new spot to sit and eat."

Leonardo did as he was told and, like a gleeful child in a candy shop, he followed you with a skip in his step.

Going to the Hidden City on weekends was starting to become a habit.

The Hamato family had the pleasure of taking you to the underground metropolis to explore the norms of society. It was incredible to see customs that were completely different from the city above. Even if some were considered gross, you took huge appreciation in their lives.

You felt like you could relate so much to the quote on quote, "outcasts" that lived there. The mutant family was able to see you and April as one of their own, unlike your kind. It felt more genuine to stick by your abnormal friends.

When you first discovered the very existence of the city, you were set on taking off to scour. But the perfect opportunity to do so never came. The closest thing to experiencing the city's life was Sénior Hueso's pizza restaurant for yokai. It was a treat spending time in there and learning more and more about Hidden City life.

You were sure that New York City was nothing compared to the Hidden City.

So one day, as a surprise, your four mutant friends (plus Splinter and April, and surprisingly Baron Draxum?...) took you to the Hidden City for a family day. It was a reward for the heavy superhero-like lives the brothers lived. And it sure as hell exhausted everyone.

Raph was more relaxed in letting everyone go their separate ways that day and everyone took advantage of the older sibling's decision. Of course, you were paired with Leonardo for the whole day; not surprising at all to the rest of the family. The two of you were set on relaxing for the day in a luxurious spa resort but was soon turned into a hairy stressful situation.

Looking back at the memory now, you would laugh your head off in front of Leo as he complained about being held captive by his gorgeous hair.

But ever since that chaotic day, both of you a
would slip away from his brothers and draining missions to sneak away into the Hidden City.

You and Leo were successful in making it out alive from your trip to the ice cream parlor. The kind elderly owner mistakes your relationship as romantic and gives you the Couples Special.


The first few times, you always reminded him that you weren't together but Leo always insisted on taking the offer because it would be considered rude if they didn't.

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