| By the Kiddie Pool |

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!! (gn! reader) !!


"Leonardo Hamato, I want my hoodie back!"

You were yelling your head off all over the lair, in search of your beloved item.

Your boyfriend had promised you to return your hoodie back but it's been a week since he had made that promise. You've looked everywhere around the lair but you had seen no sight of him.

Without looking what's in front of you, you felt your shoulder bump into something. You flinched and turned around to see Donnie unbothered. "Sorry Dee! Hey, you know where Leo's at? I've been looking for him like crazy!"

Donnie, without looking up from his phone, gave you an unwanted response. "Nope. Haven't seen him all day."

You slumped forward. "Thanks a lot Donnie."

As you continued your search for your boyfriend, Donnie had called you, but this time, he looked straight at you."But if it's important, yesterday's battle really took a hit on him. I'm pretty sure he's resting in his room right now." He stated before walking away.

You furrowed your brows nervously. Leo was beat up badly and he didn't even say anything to you? He'd normally brag to you about his battles and missions. It must've been bad for him to not say anything.

"Thanks again, Donnie." You said once more before making your way to Leo's room. Once you arrived in front of his room, you held your breath as you prepared yourself to open his curtain. Who knew what state you would find your boyfriend to be in?

You had finally swung open the curtains, finding Leonardo in the middle of his room, inside of a kiddie pool, lazily floating down on his stomach.

The scene could've made you laugh out loud as hard as you can, but if it was under different circumstances.

Leo opened only one eye to see who had came in the room. He wasn't even fazed to know that it was you. "Oh hey (Y/N). Didya need something?" He slurred his words.

"Uh, are we not going to ignore the fact that you are in a kiddie pool right now or...?" You stared.

"Oh this? I'm just relaxing." He had closed both of his eyes again.

"Right, I keep forgetting that you're a literal turtle." You crossed your arms. You took a closer look at Leo in the water. He had bandages on his left arm and a few scratches around his face. Well at least it's nothing too serious.

You sat down next to the kiddie pool as Leo said nothing, completely unbothered. "Dee told me you were hit pretty hard yesterday."

Leo opened his eyes and slightly splashed water. "He did, didn't he? I'm sorry (Y/N). I didn't want to worry you anymore."

"Leonardo, you are a crime fighting mutant. Not only that but you are my boyfriend! Of course I'm gonna worry!" You exclaimed. "But you don't have to apologize, I seriously thought we were gonna hang today but if you want and need to relax today by yourself, I'm fine with it."

Leo smiles at you widely as did you. "Thanks (Y/N). And actually, I don't wanna be by myself today. Do you think you can stay for a while and we can just not do anything."

"Of course. Give me a minute." You got up from your spot next to him and grabbed pillows and blankets from Leo's bed. You placed them next to his kiddie pool and plopped yourself down.

"You know you might get wet right?" Leo snorts.

"I don't care as long as I'm right next to you."

The two of you spent the rest of the evening napping next to each other, relaxing your bodies and minds away.


I originally had a different idea for this chapter but I ended up liking this one more lol. Enjoy!

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