| Night Light |

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!! (gn! reader) !!


"Lights off jitsu!"

The box turtle clapped his hands twice with pure confidence.

The room awaited for something, anything, to happen. The silence ringed around the the sewer walls.

"So, uh, is something suppose to happen or...?" It was the first time you had seen this move. Mikey flopped his hands at his side, disappointed.

"Well the lights were suppose to go off," he sighed, lazily flopping himself on a beanbag. "I really wanted that move to work like last time!"

"For the last time, Mikey, that was completely by luck! You can't turn the lights off by command!" Leo rolled his eyes, annoyed with his younger brother.

"I'm sure there's another cool move that you can do, Mikey." You comforted the orange masked turtle, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Leo's just jealous he can't fight like you." You gave a playful smirk at your boyfriend.

"Hey! I thought you liked the way I fight!" Leo shot up, ready to defend himself.

You stick your tongue out, receiving one back from him.

"So what's 'lights off jitsu' anyway?" You questioned Mikey, trying to distract him.

"It's simple really. Once I clap my hands two times, it goes completely dark, like, you can't see anything dark! Like this!" Mikey beams himself up to demonstrate his move, but once he clapped his hands two times like he said, the lights in the lair go out.

The only thing that was bright were Mikey's glow in the dark stickers on his plastron.

"Hey, it worked!" Mikey shouted, startling you.

"That wasn't you, doofus! The lights went out again." Leo stood up cautiously.

You gasped slightly at the sudden darkness, you felt your heart sink in your stomach as you grabbed into Mikey's arm, since he was the only one providing light. Mikey felt you shiver under him.

"Hey (Y/N)? You okay?" He gently asked. This caught Leo's attention. He was already standing up, gripping his odachi tightly, searching for a threat.

"(Y/N), are you seriously scared of the dark?"he chuckles softly. "All right scardy cats, let's see what's up. Mikey, be my light will ya?" You were left behind by Mikey, though he hesitated to leave you alone.

"You sure? (Y/N) is getting pretty scared over here." He placed himself next to Leo.

"Yes, I'm sure. (Y/N), just stay behind me."

You do as you're told as your mind panics in the darkness.

The three of you huddled together as you make your way to Donnie's lab. Raph, Donnie, and Splinter were out and you guys stayed behind. Apparently, lights going out in the Hamato household was not unusual. Usually, if Donnie were here, this problem would be fixed. But you were stuck with the most careless people in your life.

Although, Leo has been trying to be more responsible. Key word: trying. But, his seriousness would spook you a little from time to time though.

You obviously couldn't see anything behind you but you felt the cold air around the lair and that would make you flinch. Leo notices and grins jokingly. Mikey was more considerate of your situation.

"Wanna be up here with me, (Y/N)?" He reaches a hand for you.

"They're fine! Don't forget that they have this handsome turtle protecting them. Besides, they'll only block my view." He swishes his hand around the air, as if he were swatting a fly away.

"But Leo, (Y/N) is seriously afraid of the dark! Haven't they told you?!" Mikey stops in his tracks, deeply concerned for his friend. With a small thud, the group bumped into each other from the sudden stop.

Leo carefully turns around, facing you. "(Y/N)?"

You slowly nodded your head, as if the turtles were able to see. "S-Sorry for not saying anything earlier. Mikey's kinda the only one who knows."

Leo had felt a punch in his gut. He felt so horrible for teasing you earlier, not knowing you were really scared. He sighs, "C'mere," he opens his arms out to you. You quickly get under his embrace, thankful that you weren't in the cold dark air. "I'm so sorry for not comforting you like as a friend and proper partner should."

He rests his chin on top of your head, rubbing your back softly, seeing how cold you were. "Alright, new plan! Mikey, please guide (Y/N) in the front. (Y/N), stay in front of me and in the back of Mikey, okay?"

You all shifted to your positions and continued walking with no trouble. Your shaking right hand gripped onto Mikey's shell and the other was intertwined with Leo's. He would squeeze your hand for reassurance and comfort, letting you know that he's not leaving. After a few minutes, Leo was able to successfully lead everyone to Donnie's lab.

Mikey was focused on finding the light switches and brought back all of the lights in the lair. The feeling of the bright neon lights and glowing fairy lights burning your guys' eyeballs brought a sense of relief to everyone.

"Phew! That wasn't so hard, was it?" Leo turned to his brother and partner.

He was finally able to see just how scared you were.

Your face was pale and you were wide in the eyes. "I'm just glad it's done." You weakly smiled. "Thanks Leo."

Leonardo smiled intensely. "Hey, you know I got your back." He winked.

"All that traveling has made me hungry!" Mikey groaned, walking out of the room. You looked at your boyfriend, laughing at his younger brother's never ending hunger.

"Want me to make you something warm to drink?" Leo took your hand in his, not forgetting your cold touch. You felt a warm feeling in your heart, different from the freezing empty feeling a few minutes ago.

"Sure, why not?"

Later that day, you guys cuddled in Leo's room, sleeping soundly with warm fairy lights around the two of you and a small night light.

But you realized that you no longer needed a night light to get over your fears. You had a certain blue masked turtle to protect you from the monsters of the darkness.


a lil bit of leo x gender neutral reader fluff to bless your day <3

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