| Tricks Up the Sleeve ~ Pt. 2 of Childish Ways |

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!! (f! reader) !!


"Alright, Leo, since your brothers can't handle you in any form, it's my duty to be your caretaker for today. But I've got some boundaries you gotta respect, okay?" You struggled to get your apartment door open with your key struggling in the keyhole.

"Does this mean we can't do couple things?" A small Leonardo tugged on your shirt.

"Not happening, let's start with that. Just because your memory is still in that little head of yours doesn't mean you're grown." You glared back at him before giving the door a little nudge, forcefully opening it. You exhaled in relief.

You thanked the universe your family was out for a few days otherwise, taking care of a small mutant a turtle would've been even more complicated.

"It's still late but do you wanna eat something?" You made your way to the kitchen to look for any leftover food.

"I wanna be with my brothers. And Dad." Leo slumped on your couch, curling himself in a small ball. "How much longer, (Y/N)?"

"Leon, you're here for a good reason. Your brothers are working to fix you up in no time. I'm sure your Dad is worried and is doing the same. I'm just helping out by taking care of you." You crouched down over the couch and placed your hand on his small shoulder. "You're still my best friend and boyfriend, of course, I'm gonna help you out. Just hang in there."

You gave a squeeze to his shoulder. Leo's eyes welled up with tears. Even though Leonardo was a trouble-making child, he was still adorable and not afraid to show his vulnerability. "I miss them already. Can we do something fun?" He sniffed. You chuckled at his change of mood.

It was rare to comfort Leo. He would stick to his usual "I'm fine" whenever you asked him if he needed help. You always offered your support even if he didn't ask for it. And it never bothered Leonardo. He just didn't know how to ask for help.

"Sure buddy, let's see what kind of ice cream we can fill our stomachs with." You gently grabbed his hand and tugged him into your kitchen.


"I'm bored! Can we watch something else? Oh! Can we play hero and villain?" Leo's grown-like mind was slowly getting more and more immature by the minute. Meaning his attention span was growing thinner as well.

Before leaving the lair, Donnie had caught up with you at the exit and managed to send you off with words of warning.

"If my thesis is true, Leo's curse can take his memories further and further away from his current ones. Of course, he will eventually turn back to normal and remember us all but he won't remember much during his time under the curse. Meaning, the guy's just gonna get dumber and dumber."

"Okay, there was absolutely no reason for you to include that last bit," Leo growled at his sibling.

"Leo, go ahead, I'll catch up." You turned to your miniature boyfriend. Leo complained but did as he was told. Once Leo was gone, you brought your gaze back to Donnie.

"Donnie, why are you telling me this?"

Donnie looked uneasy and nervous. "Just, take it easy with him, okay? Growing up, we didn't learn many disciplines. I'm sure that Leo is bound to act un accordingly, but please remember, Leo is just going to be showing his inner child. And it might not look pretty." you swallowed the anxiety that Donnie had given you.

"Once Leo is back to his normal self, try to take it leisurely with him and act as if nothing happened. Good luck." Donnie continued and went back inside, giving you a quick nod.

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