| A Second Chance ~ Pt. 2 of Shared Responsibilities |

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!! (f! reader) !!

(please consider reading the first part of Shared Responsibilities! )

(for anyone reading this a second time, my mind had to change the ending a bit, sorry if you get confused!)

[tw]: mentions of death

Casey Jones didn't remember much from his childhood.

Correction; he does remember a lot from his childhood—he just prefers not to.

He remembers it all. The sounds of agony, the feel of the battlefield, and the smell of death around him. It lived in his mind for such a long time now that it doesn't bother him as much as it used to.

But something that had always stuck with Casey was the first few months after his mother's passing. The nightmares he had as a kid didn't go away—they followed him as a young adult as well.

It was dreadful. His family would have to frequently check up on him and ask him how he was holding up. He would always want to switch the question on them, wanting to ask them how they'd felt when losing a loved one. But Casey knew damn well how they felt. And just like everyone else, he'd always bury his feelings down and say he was fine.

Clearly, he gets that mostly from Leonardo.

Well, the Leonardo in Casey's time.

He wasn't used to the bustling streets of the new New York City and his much younger family members.

Casey would right away catch his tongue whenever he had the urge to call them a superior name or a nickname he had remembered giving to them. There were mistakes every once in a while, (and Junior got humiliated each time), but he couldn't help it.

Casey remembers too much. That was his weakness.

His uneasiness from across the table was visible to present-day Leo as he set his chopsticks down and leaned forward. "You with us, Case?"

"Leave him alone, eat your ramen it's gonna get cold," Casey looks beside Leo and saw you scolding him. The slider makes a face.

"Don't you worry your pretty little head about my cold food. I'm looking out for everyone like a leader should!" he waves his hand around, smirking and leaning against the kitchen table your way. Was this his way of flirting?

"Right, sorry, oh, Fearless Leader. Carry on," Casey could see you hold yourself back from letting out a small laugh. He smiles to himself.

He started to remember the good part of his childhood.

You and his Papa Leo had taken him in when his mother had just died and raised him as if he were your son. He remembered your warm comforts after sleepless nights. He remembers your warm embrace that squeezed him tighter whenever he let out a whimper. He loved you then and he loves you now, as a best friend, family, and mother figure.

Something that hadn't sunk in Casey yet was how different this new reality was. It had been nothing like his universe. Well, besides the whole invasion. Other than that, he would notice small details that differ from his future.

It was odd, having his family together again—traumatized, yes, but comfortable and healthy (somewhat). He would look at them and deep down, he would see brave warriors, commanders, and leaders. But they were young and carefree, just stupid immature adults that carried the weight of the city.

Casey would often find himself comparing his Papa Leonardo to the past version of him. His father figure was a grand man, he led an entire army with no fear, (which of course wasn't true but he was amazing in young Junior's eyes). Leo was an average sixteen-year-old, goofing off and getting used to his new role as a leader. But he did have one thing his future self didn't have—his family's support.

Despite the differences, Casey witnessed something in the turtle that very day of the invasion that he had seen before. A case of deja vu. His sensei had sent him here, sacrificing himself for the greater good.

Leo had almost done it similarly in this reality.

What stopped him was the encouragement to see his family again. Casey was relieved that he continued fighting.

Regardless there was something else that stuck out to Casey like a sore thumb.

You and Leonardo were together since you two were just fourteen years old. Casey's heard the story countless times from his Uncle Michaelangelo. On late nights, if neither you nor Leonardo could take care of him, his uncle would always volunteer. Plus, Casey secretly enjoyed his imaginative bedtime stories.

"Leo made quite a first impression on (Y/N). He fell face flat in front of her!"

In this reality and in Casey's, Mikey is still an annoying little brother who will do anything to embarrass his older brothers.

You had told Casey the story many times as well. Although Mikey's version was more entertaining, yours was comforting. There was such truth behind it that the love you and Leonardo shared was what Casey looked up to. He regrets not telling you two this before he had the chance, before he had seen his broken father figure on his knees, carrying your lifeless body close to his.

It was the very day Casey was sent to a new timeline.

And in this new timeline, the romantic relationship between you and Leo was non-existent. Well, at least for now. It's very clear to everyone that the feelings you both share for one another. Despite this, the love was still there regardless.

But Casey couldn't help himself when he would look at you two and see his parent figures again, both teasing each other lovingly and always standing next to one another, hands intertwined no matter what.

And that's what made Casey's heartache.

He knew this universe wasn't like the one he came from. He knew that it would take him a long time to get used to it. But for now, he had his family together again.

In his master's words—a ninja's greatest weapon is hope.

He blinks, taking himself out of his wild mind. Once again, his eyes gaze over the image of you and Leo in front of him. You two were as close as ever—shoulders touching for comfort as Leo rambled on about whatever he had going on in his life. And you were there beside him, listening. It was like taking a trip to the past, or future?

Nonetheless, Casey smiled to himself, tears pricking in his eyes.

Whatever the future was for you and Leo in this timeline, Casey Jones was glad you two got a second chance in your universe.

He just wonders if it's the last.


I was in the mood for some Casey angst/comfort. I just think we all need it. </3
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