[ Unexpected Mornings ]

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!! (f! reader) !!

this oneshot goes out to all of my fellow Hispanics. los amo mucho y espero que les guste <3

[tw]: cursing, mentions of sexual-like movement

Now Playing: Imitadora by Romeo Santos


Instead of an alarm clock reviving you from your deep slumber, rhythmic music is blasting unexpectedly in your ears.

This was your guardian's way of notifying you to get up and start the day. It was awfully early that morning, earlier than usual on a weekend. You were bound to have yourself a list full of chores to do around the apartment.

Despite this thought, you forced yourself out of your warm cozy blanket and into the cool fresh air with a groan of discomfort in your back.

"(Y/N)! You up? Come in here, please!" your caretaker yelled from down the hall.

"Hm? Yep. Gettin' up...," you heaved yourself forward and trodded slowly to the kitchen.

It was a mess. Your gaze shifted all around you, wondering what you had been doing the night before for your home to look like a dumpster fire. The loud music was still pumping throughout the walls, you had also wondered why your neighbors haven't given you guys a noise complaint. Just as the Latin tunes were blaring so suddenly, the volume was lowered. The smell of freshly made breakfast drowned out your groggy morning thoughts.

"I gotta go, (Y/N)," your parental figure looked up to you. Their eyes were filled with guilty as their hands clutched onto the chair that they stood in front of. You nodded, understanding the sudden situation. "I'm sorry, I'll be back around noon. Hopefully." They made a face of worry and quickly snatched their belongings, heading out of the door. It was an emergency, that you knew.

Before leaving, they hesitated near the entrance, a hand holding onto the doorway and a head peeking out. "Again, sorry to have you clean by yourself. Breakfast is hot on the counter. Think you'll be okay?" they ask, although it sounded like they asked the question to themselves.

"Go! I'll be fine. This isn't the first time you're leaving me this suddenly," you chuckled, shooing them out with your arms. They playfully glare at you before finally shutting the door.

Now, it was silent.

The noise that had woken you up was gone and had left you with a bittersweet feeling.

Making your guardian feel guilty was something you would never do. Especially since they are already hard on themselves. Spending a few hours on your own was good in a way. But you can't help feeling desolate and abandoned. There was rarely a time you had spent with your family, all because of unbalanced schedules.

You headed back to the kitchen, turning back the music that had left earlier.


You hadn't been the only one feeling deserted.

Leonardo was in the gaming room contemplating his life choices.

Had he been a jerk to his brothers?

The night before, he had blurted out something stupid that caused an argument between all four brothers. But Leo couldn't help it. He just had to announce his thoughts. And so, for the rest of their morning, the Hamato brothers quarantined themselves in their rooms.

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