| Destined Soulmates |

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!! (f! reader) !!

[tw] cursing
soulmate au because who doesn't love 'em!


"Ow! Dammit! What's this person's deal?! It's too late for this!"

You felt yet another sudden pain from the side of your thigh, almost as if it were scraped on the harsh concrete floor.

"Soulmate problems again?" April had said on the other end of the phone. You planned on distracting yourself from your nightly pain by staying on a video call with your friend. April claimed that although she wouldn't be there physically with you, she would help you get through the night.

It hasn't been working.

"I just wish my soulmate could have a little more self-respect, you know? That way, we both don't gotta go through this pain daily." You rubbed your thigh where your soulmate got injured. "I mean, what the hell can anyone be doing at this ungodly hour?!" You asked both yourself and April.

I know a few mutants who do stupid things during this time. April had stated to herself mentally. "I don't know, (Y/N). Maybe, your soulmate is a vigilante who fights crime at night?" She couldn't have come up with a worse excuse. April had already known who your soulmate was because she was friends with both you and Hamato Leonardo.

It's been difficult for April to keep it a secret from the two of you but Leo had been taking one too many hits and has caused his soulmate misery.

"Don't you think you've been a little too hard on your soulmate, Leo?" April had asked Leonardo.

All Leo could do was scoff at his friend's worry. "Please! Soulmates are not my thing! And I'm pretty sure I don't even have one, considering my, situation." He gestured to himself.

April knew that Leo didn't consider her advice and she would have to comfort you and help you in the best way she could to decrease her mutant friend's stupid decisions.

You brought your knees to your chest as you rock yourself in your bed. "Well, I hope I meet them soon. Cause by this rate, I think they're gonna kill both me and themselves."

Destined soulmates were considered expected in your time. They desired to bring together two individuals with a strong force. Beings are paired together by the universe at the age of 13. Once soulmates are united, the strong force disappears. Many are brought together in diverse ways. But feeling your soulmate's pain was a rare method that the universe had blessed you and your destined partner with.

Your soulmate in particular had a great hobby of increasing pain levels at night. Your sleeping schedule was messed up, to say the least, and your discomfort would vary from time to time.

"Don't say that, (Y/N)! I'm sure your soulmate is great!" April once again tries to encourage you. "Keep pushing! Let 'em know who's boss!" Her loud tone rang in your ears. You chuckled at her support.

"Thanks, April. I should let you go, though. It's late and I don't wanna ruin your sleeping schedule too." you sighed.

"If you're so sure, we can end this call if you want. Remember, I'm just a phone call away, okay?" April reassured you. You hummed and shortly ended the call, your expression relaxing. April couldn't help but worry for her sleepless friend soon after the call ended. She made a mental note to herself to scold Leo another day.

You on the other hand were left with an unclear and lonesome feeling that sat in the pit of your stomach. You knew that if you tried to rest for even a small nap, your soulmate would just wake you suddenly. But you also knew that you had to make an effort on sleeping through at least one night, so you placed your phone on your bedside table and shut off any lights that lit up the room. You nestled down in your bed and rested your eyes.

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