| Rooftop Strangers |

338 10 1

!! (gn! reader) !!

{Requested by @plutomoontiny}
(see end of chapter for more)

I'm sorry–both for leaving again for too long and for this shitty chapter. But my biggest apology goes to the person who requested this; you are a brave soldier and I respect you so much for waiting this long (that is, if you were even waiting).
Anyhow, folks, this is a real rodeo so saddle up and get ready to hoe down. I made this darker than it should have been but yolo.

- sent from my notes app, vani -

[tw]: cursing, offing-oneself (sorry it's for the plot), angst, self-doubt, and injuries



It was awfully quiet tonight.

No wind, no clouds–the night was stark and crystal clear, the raging city of New York was completely silent.

Sure, there were the obnoxious horns of the cars and the hustle and bustle of people and yokai alike but you were insensitive to all of it, the chilling silence ringing in your ears hypnotizing you in an almost unnerving way, and somehow, it had brought you to the edge. Literally.

It was disappointing, really—anticlimactic. You made an effort to carry your body on the rooftop, your wings practically hauling dead weight and placing you in the center of the building. But once you drowned out the world, you walked over to the border between life and true freedom.

The quiet was horrible, it was louder than loud; you didn't like how it starts off relieving and, over time, it builds and builds until one can't stand it, until the silence becomes unbearable. There were different levels of silence you like to consider; The three-am silence where it feels like the only person breathing in the Earth's twilight air is you and the fear of being a burden keeps you from waking anyone up for help.

Dead-air silence is exactly what it sounds like–unlike three-am silence, there is no oxygen in the world. It's like relying on the five senses of the body, (which you always thought five wasn't enough but you technically had two halves of different species bodies so who were you to complain), and the feeling could only be described as though you are gasping through a thick puddle of muddy air.

On a more positive level, tranquility silence brought relief and peace of mind. It gave you a sense of control, a way to reconnect your mind and body. It's a shame it never lasts long, though.

Deafening silence was loud, too loud to think and too obnoxious to power over. It rings in your ears and brings tension, suspense, and intrusive actions.

Clearly, you were experiencing all levels tonight.

Stuck in the daze, your foot was placed on the rim, you think it had been for a while now. The senses of your body shut down and the world seemed to fade into a dark blurry mess. Was it your life flashing before your eyes? Or was it looking away from the terror of knowing what's next?

Either way, silence still roamed.

Your knees trembled as you tried to push your body further to the edge, which is hilarious considering the fact that it wasn't cold and you were numb enough to not feel anything, yet, your foot was stuck in its place. What held you back? The fear of being caught or the fear of going through with it?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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