| Mistletoe Magic |

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first and last xmas fic of the year (I am so disappointed with myself). anyhow, enjoy these two idiots.
- vani, wishing you all a happy new year



You blink your eyes open, slowly and nearly forcefully. Feeling sluggish, the holiday lights and Will Ferrell in festive green on the T.V. looked blurry for a few moments before you rubbed your eyes, a yawn breaking out of your mouth.

A scatter of giggles were both heard and felt, and you realized you had fallen asleep on Leo's shoulder. Meaning one thing.

You lost the bet.

"This is not how I imagined our first Christmas Eve," you say groggily and get off of him. He puts the comic book down to turn to you, no longer laughing but giving you a grin.

"What did I tell you? I am the champion of all-nighters." He announced. "Go on. Say it. You know I'm right," he winks at you and nudges your shoulder. A low groan escapes from you at the familiar and aggravating smugness in his voice.

"What you are is a nightmare," you huff.

"Hey, you decided to stay up with me. What'd you expect? That you'd sleep like a baby when you have me around?" He snickers. "I mean, c'mon, we sat there watching Christmas movies for hours. What were we gonna do, sleep?"

You think back on some of the festive activities you two had done earlier that evening before deciding on winding down with a movie marathon for the rest of the night. Before starting, you had promised not to fall asleep in the second movie, thus creating a bet on whether you would or would not (and for the record, Leo made the bet).

"Of course not, but I would consider sleeping on the list of holiday fun activities," you countered as the smart-aleck that you were. "I just really thought I could stay up all night. And beat you...," you lowly said.

Leonardo chuckles to himself, reaching his hand out to rest on your thigh."You put up a good fight, I'll admit. But me? Beaten in a competition? Don't think so."

He pauses, his voice going softer as he leans in closer to you."But hey, you manage to wake up an hour before midnight! You're still the champion on my list, babe."

You glare at him. "Thanks, that definitely makes me feel better," you say sarcastically, biting the inside of your cheeks to hide a smile.

Leo notices the sarcasm and goes along with it, rather than calling you out on it. "Consider it part of your Christmas gift," he winks. "You're too easy to tease, you know that?" He continues. "I'm lucky to be tolerated by you. It's the only reason I keep you around."

He chuckled and brought your knuckles to his lips, giving them a sweet and long kiss.

"You think you can sweet talk me into convincing me that I'm only good so you can annoy me all you want?" You scoff teasingly and let go of his hand. "I'm telling 'ya, you men only want one thing." You turn your body the other way with your arms crossed across your chest.

Leo laughs at your dramatics, but his laugh quickly turns into a smirk, and he gently pulls you back towards him.

"Hey, listen to me." He strokes his thumb along your cheek, his voice becoming a bit kinder. "I know you're joking and allat but you'll always be good for more than that. I don't need a reason to keep wanting you, okay? It's just a bonus that I can annoy you."

You pout, feeling your heart touched by his simple words."I know, I know," you roll your eyes and surrender yourself completely, falling into his arms

Leonardo laughs when you fall back into his arms, holding on to you tighter."Good because I don't want you thinking that you're only good for my own benefit, babe. Ah, but when are you actually mad at me, though?"

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