| What The Bright Eyes See |

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!! (f! reader but no pronouns are specifically used) !!

{Requested by certified_Mikey_kin}
(see the end of the chapter for more)

holy shit, I'm still alive.
enjoy this piece of trash I've managed to finish these last couple of weeks (man did it take long) I apologize for disappearing for a month. I am not exaggerating when I say school is bringing me closer to my grave.
anyway, I truly appreciate the patience you lot have been putting up with! The rottmnt community never gives up! big thank you to the reader who requested this one shot; the fact that you've waited this long is ridiculous, please excuse me and take this 3000+ word written fic. as always, enjoy the chapter folks!

- back in about 3-5 business days, vani -

[tw]: cursing, dirty jokes (I couldn't help my see self), mentions of blood, and menstrual cycles


There was nothing better than coming home to a mess. But you could honestly care less about it at the moment and were quick to slam the apartment door shut before your mood worsened.

In fact, it brought some sort of relief—a nice change of scenery. It was a dump, sure, but at least you didn't have to endure your menstrual pain outside. You kicked off your muddy shoes and threw them at the entrance of the door, not caring if they strike a precious object. Your distressed body melted as soon as you flopped onto the couch, throwing your bag and apartment keys next to a pile of unfolded laundry that was forgotten in the morning.

You were somehow late and practically ran out of your home before even observing the state your apartment is in. And to make your morning even better, your nine-to-five job had busted your ass. It was difficult throughout the whole day to keep your sanity. Problematic co-workers, laborious tasks, brutal feedback from supervisors—it all blurred the day into a nightmare.

On top of it all, your stomach was in ache throughout the entirety of it.

Your half-opened eyes spotted the nearby bag of rice that lay on the coffee table. Your hand reaches for it and the weight of it immediately brings relief. If you wanted to, you could heat it and you'd be in pure bliss. But you were in enough pain and had decided to just lay lazily on the couch until the evening.

The worse thing about the cramps, however, is that you haven't even started.

Why do we suffer so?

A low groan escapes your lips and that's when you've had enough. Gradually and carefully, you lifted yourself off the couch and headed for the kitchen, throwing the rice bag into the microwave.

The slow buzz of it soothed your mind. You've already had the entire evening planned out; bed, painkillers, leftover homemade pizza from Mikey (which you greatly appreciate, God, bless his heart), no pants, and a fine bottle of cheap wine that Leo had gifted you not too long ago (you had told him it was a waste of money but boy are you sure eating your words now).

The loud beeping of the microwave alerted you out of your head along with your phone ringing suddenly. You pulled the device out of your pocket and speaking of the devil himself, Leonardo was calling.

You smiled widely and answered, "Hey, Blue."

"(Y/N)! Yo, you just got off right?" Leo's distant voice was heard in your right ear as you multitask between taking out the rice bag and balancing the phone on your shoulder.

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