| Human Heater |

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!! (f! reader) !!


I knew that cold blooded creatures didn't do so well in the cold, but I didn't realize it'd be that bad.

You thought to yourself, hearing the brothers complain of their aching body's. Though, not everyone's complaining was so bad.

It was Hamato Leonardo that was the serious drama queen during the season.

He was the worst one of all. His brothers and him would cuddle close by the heater, all with blankets and warm drinks in hand, sitting comfortably, but Leo would still complain how cold it was.

You slightly understood his pain, seeing how New York's weather was during this time. But it obviously didn't affect you so much as the turtles.

In order to cheer them up, you decided to head over to the lair after school to bring a few blankets and snacks. You also brought along a few old movies to watch with them.

You made your way through the streets of New York, the cold slightly nibbling at your fingertips and nose. You covered up your face just a bit more to keep the cold out.

Although your mutant friends didn't enjoy the season as much, you were extremely happy to welcome back this kind of weather. The city was much more brighter and cheerful during this time compared to summers. Sometimes, you and Leo like to make fun of each others favorite season.

A small chuckle left your freezing lips. You couldn't wait to shove it in Leo's face.

Without noticing, you had arrived at the entrance of the lair. You walked in, unannounced, and headed towards the projector room, knowing that's where everyone would be since the heater is located there.

You stood near the doorway, peeping your head to see the family suffering from the cold. Everyone expect Splinter, who was absolutely covered in fur. He was resting in his usual dirty couch with Mikey in his laps, trying to give his son warmth. You smiled softly and gave the doorway a small knock as to not scare anyone. "Hey guys. You cold?"

Everyone turned their heads sharply at your voice and their sad faces turned into exciting expressions. "(Y/N)!" The brothers quickly stood up and ran towards you, almost practically tackling you down to the ground.

"Ohhhh how I miss this human warmth!" Donnie nuzzled himself into your shoulder. His sudden act of affection surprised you, but you happily accepted it.

"Oh, (Y/N), please tell us you got those heavy weighted blankets?" Raphael shook you slightly with despair.

Splinter was off of his couch and was walking straight towards his sons. "Boys! Do not crowd her! She needs her own warmth!" He yelled.

The turtles quickly scattered off you. "Sorry, Pops." Raph apologized.

"Don't worry, guys. I brought enough blankets for everyone. Except Leo." You smirked at Leo as he sent you a glare.

"All right!" Everyone cheered as you handed each and everyone a blanket. Stopped at Leo, holding out his favorite personal blanket. "I'm not that evil, Blue." You reassured him.

Leo felt hot inside as you gave him the blanket. "Whatever." He mumbled, his teeth chattering from how cold he was.

"No problem. Hey guys, I brought movies too!"

Everyone was seated near the screen, content with their soft warm blankets that were provided.


It was a little past eleven thirty at night when the entire family had passed out. You weren't planning on staying too long but sleepiness took you over. You woke up from your slumber, reminding yourself to text your parents that you were sleeping over with a friend for the night.

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