| Make Your Move |

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!! (m! reader) !!

[tw] cursing


"You do realize that fruit shouldn't belong on pizza right?

Leonardo glared over to his twin brother. "No one asked, Dee. Go away."

You held in your laughter by putting your hand on your mouth. Donnie raised his eyebrows. "So it looks like you were chosen to be head chef, Nardo. Poor (Y/N) has to put up with this mess." He leaned over the counter.

"I'm perfectly content with assisting the chef here Donnie. Plus, we're just waiting for the actual head chef." You smiled, cleaning any leftover dishes.

"Mikey's left me in charge, surprisingly, and (Y/N) is perfectly content with being an assistant. His words." Leo placed his hands on his hips, popping his figure to the left. "Besides, I'm just helping him with the heavy stuff. "

You bite your lip slightly as you turned away. Since you've met the turtles, you've been insecure about your figure, thinking you were too weak to defend yourself. One night, you found yourself surrounded by a criminals and you couldn't get yourself out of the situation. That was the night you met the brothers. Their strong bond and figure amazed you, even till this day. You especially admired Leonardo. Sure he wasn't strong in his mystic weapon, but he was able to overcome challenges by doing it his way. It also wasn't helpful that you had developed a small crush on the mutant.

Leo offered to help you by inviting you to train with his brothers and him. You nervously agreed and began training for a month. You eventually stopped training with them, thinking they thought you were already exhausted from the work. But you have continued training in secret. And you were able to build quite a lot of muscle and combat training from the last time you trained with the family.

"Well as long as I get a personal pizza, I'm fine with your activities. Carry on gentlemen." Donnie waved goodbye to you.

Leo blew a raspberry towards his brother and got back to his work. "Hey, (Y/N), can you pass me that a block of ice in the freezer. I'm getting tired of fixing dinner, I figured imma just do shaved ice for dessert." You hummed and made your way towards the kitchen, already carrying the grand block of ice. "Wait, on second thought, I'll get it it's too heavy-" Leo reached out to you before you suddenly placed the heavy ice on the counter near you. Leo's eyes widen as he rushed to your side.

"(Y/N)! Be careful! That things heavy you could've gotten hurt!" He exclaimed in worry. You raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean? It's light as a feather, Leo." You shrugged off his nervousness. "Uh-I mean, I thought it was as light as a feather. But now that you've mentioned it, I think I did hurt my arm a little. Ouch." Your tone was slightly pitched as you rubbed your forearm.

"Just-Just be careful, kay? I don't want you getting broken bones." Leo placed his hand on your shoulder, leaning close with a worry line visible on his forehead.

A blush become visible across your face. "I-I'm fine. Really." Before anyone else could respond, Mikey's energetic personality roared throughout the lair. "Where's my assistants when I need them?!"

Leo then realized how close the two of you were and backed away almost immediately. You giggled awkwardly and walked towards the exit of the kitchen. "I'm gonna go help out." You rushed away, leaving Leo standing with his emotions alone.


Throughout the whole gameplay, Leo couldn't help himself to sneak in a few glances your way. He wondering how much training you've been doing since the last time you joined them. You felt eyeballs burning your side profile as you felt your heart in your stomach. You prayed that Leo wasn't suspicious of your sudden strength and you continued to watch Raph's character beat Mikey in the game.

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