| Cutting Tension like a Knife |

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!! (gn! long-haired reader) !!

[tw]: cursing and violence

"Another day, another mess to cover up."

You groaned at your appearance in your bathroom mirror. You've been covering up your hair for the past week with colorful beanies and hats. You've been receiving many compliments on the new change but you knew that once your removed the accessories, a bird's nest would be revealed.

Walking out of the bathroom, you simultaneously put on your jacket and bag over your shoulder. You walked out of the door to start your everyday routine. It was the same feeling everyday. Anxiously waiting to be with the Hamato brothers.

The brothers had promised you a day full of relaxation and fun activities. Everyone had been working hard in the past week or two and a break was well required. Making your way to the lair's entrance, you were stopped with Donnie already waiting. "Hey Dee! Something wrong?"

He looked up from his phone and saw you walking towards him. "Oh nothing! Just Raph suddenly changing his plans and wanted to go swim down the sewers today. I had to cancel my plans for other activities and I couldn't be anymore happy!" His jaw forced an awkward smile. You backed away slowly.

"Wait, so, what can I do! I'm not prepared for this situation! I was promised homemade donuts from Mikey!" You slightly raised your voice. Donnie sighed softly. "Sorry, (Y/N). I promise you I had nothing to do with it."

"Yeah baby! Who's ready for a fun river ride!" Mikey popped out of nowhere with his swim suit on and a floaty under his arm. He suddenly noticed you with arms crossed and a glare on your face. "Uh oh."

"You got that right! I can't believe you changed plans without letting me know!" You exclaimed as Raph walked in on the conversation.

"About that (Y/N)..." You whipped your head around to see a nervous Raph. "You're kinda not the only person we didn't tell."

"Hey I was wondering where you guys went- oh it's the drama queen. When did you get here?" To make the tension worse, Leo arrived almost right on cue.

For context, you and Leo don't exactly get along. Since you both could remember, there has been an unknown tension between you two and that has made you both competitive. It started when you and April had formed a friendship with the turtles on April's apartment rooftop. The boys were caught playing basketball with each other and didn't even try to cover up the fact that they'd were mutants.

You had no problem with the other brothers, but Leo was more prone to tease you like crazy. He would pick out your insecurities and make stupid and hurtful jokes. At first, you didn't mind him but over time you matched the same energy that he gave.

"April's my favorite human, just had to let you know, (Y/N)." Leo had bragged, sticking his beak in the air.

This comment made you jealous, secretly wanting to form a friendship with Leo. But his teasing didn't help. "Donnie's my favorite twin. He's smarter and more better than you." You responded aggressively.

"Guys, please don't bring me and Dee into this." April groaned standing between you two.

"I think I know why (Y/N) and Leo fight a lot! They like each other too much, they need to fight to talk to each other more!" Raph spoke like a true older sibling would. That comment made the both of you gag out loud.

"Don't start, Nardo." You glared directly at him.

"I'm just surprised that you're still sticking around is all. I thought you'd leave a long time ago." He smirked, knowing how to push your buttons. "Hey, what's with the stupid hats lately? You got lice or something?"

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