| Distraction and Distracted |

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!! (f! reader) !!

small tw: heavy make-out scene :]


This wasn't exactly how you imagined your Friday night be would.

Once again, the Hamato brothers have convinced you to join in on their mission for the night.

"C'mon (Y/N)! April's busy tonight and she didn't want to put up with us today!" Mikey claps his hands together and pleads with despair.

You crossed your arms and stared down at the box turtle. "Gee, Mikey. I wonder why." You spoke sarcastically.

"We promise we'll be outta there in no time! Ninjas honor." Raph stepped in towards you. Leo wraps his arm sneakily around your shoulders. "We get to wear disguises~" Leo whispers in your ear. You felt your cheeks warm up to his convincing voice. You groaned, knowing the brothers won't let you alone.

"Fine! But I'm hoping to get something in return for this!" You shoved Leo off you. "What's the plan, big guy?" You asked Raph.

"We got inside info telling us that Hypno is sneaking into Big Mama's dinner party tonight!" He rubs his hands together menacingly. "It's our duty that we make sure that he doesn't screw up anything and protect innocent yokai!"

"Right, so we'll be sneaking into a party to stop and villain that's also sneaking into said party?" Everyone agreed in unison.

"You in or not?" Raph places his hands on his hips.

"As long as I get a cool disguise, I'm in." You agreed. Donnie suddenly grabbed your arm and pulled you away from the group. "Oh I have the most perfect disguise for you (Y/N)! You must simply see it!"

Leo followed behind you two. "Hey! You promised me a cool disguise too! Don't forget me!"


"(Y/N)! Would you stop tugging at your dress please?"

You once again heard Donnie through the intercom. "Well, if you hadn't given me a short dress, we wouldn't be having this conversation!" You quietly yelled back. Turns out that the only people that were in disguise were you, Leo, and Mikey.

Raph and Donnie had stayed near by the hotel to spectate outside. Both Leo and Mikey wore fancy black suits with ties that coordinated to their masks. Only difference was that Mikey was wearing a hat and a pair of glasses. You on the other hand we're stuck with an uncomfortable, black, body hugging dress that rested a little past your shoulders. You were given a red fur coat to seem rich, according to Donnie. It felt strange getting all dolled up for a mission.

Leo was unable to keep his eyes off of you that night. You had looked absolutely stunning and Donnie knew exactly what he was doing. Leo had to keep himself together as to not get nervous in front of you, but he continued to heavily flirt with you more than usual.

"Alright Don, what am I looking for here? Cause I seriously can't take my eyes off (Y/N)." Leo sent you his famous smirk and wink. You groaned, walking ahead.

"Woah hey! Where's my lady going? I'm supposed to stay by your side the whole time remember?" Leo had hooked your arm under his as you walked into the hotel together, with Mikey following behind.

"Alright Leo, but keep it professional." Donnie said in your earpieces. "Keep a lookout for Hypno. We haven't seen anything out here so there's a possibility that he's inside."

Mikey separated from the two of you as he walked around aimlessly, looking for the villain.

Leo guided you towards a yokai that was serving appetizers on a tray. He took one and immediately swallowed it down. "There's like a bunch of people here. Hypno is the type to show off so this'll be easy!"

You chuckled. "I feel like you're forgetting the fact that he is a illusionist, Leo. We gotta keep our eyes peeled."

"Hey guys, I've checked every corner in this ballroom. Nothing here. Imma go investigate any secret rooms around. " Mikey stated.

"Thanks Mike. Let us know if you see anything right away." Leo confirmed. The two of you continued to walk around, waiting for action.

"Guys, I think Hypno hasn't arrived yet. It's still early so we'll have to wait it out." Raph sighed through the intercom.

As you continued to look around, you hadn't noticed that Leo dragged you into a table and sat you down.

"Leo? What are you doing? We gotta look for Hypno!" You argued. Leo sat back lazily into the chair and looked away.

"I know. But I feel like we were already bringing enough attention to ourselves walking around in circles out there." He turned to face you and grinned wildly. "Man, I have to thank Donnie for giving you that outfit." He sighed dreamily.

You felt yourself getting warm. "Leo, now is not the time for your jokes!"

"Who said I'm joking? You look gorgeous (Y/N), I mean it." Leo deeply stares into your gleaming eyes.

You sighed defeatedly. "Thank you, Leon. You don't look too bad yourself." This caused Leo to grin in a dopey manner. He felt nervous and didn't say anything.

That'll get him to shut up. You laughed to yourself.

Suddenly, Leo's voice was heard once again. "Are we the only ones not making out right now?"

This made you more bothered than before. "Dude, seriously stop. We gotta stay focused and serious." You glared at Leo.

"No seriously, look!" He pointed in a middle of the room.

You turned to see yokai couples around you making out in unison. You were horrified but knew what that meant. "Hypno is most likely here. Donnie! Raph! Why didn't you guys say anything!"

"He must've already been in the building!" Donnie yelled in your ear.

"Ah, how precious love truly is! My love spell worked like a charm! I sure hope I don't ruin the little make out session when I rob this entire hotel!" Hypno was now in the middle of the room, almost as if he had appeared out of thin air. You noticed he had made eye contact with you and stomped towards you.

You panicked, quickly looking away. "Hypno just made eye contact with me!" You said to Leo.

It was now Leo's turn to panic. "Crap! What do we do?" He jittered nervously.

"I got an idea, but don't freak out okay?" Before Leo had anytime to respond, you grabbed his tie and crashed your lips onto his. Leo muffled into your lips at first but soon found his way into your mouth. The kiss got passionate real quick as you continued to grab onto each other. Leo squeezed both of your shoulders as your hands were placed on each side of his face. You moaned into the kiss as Leo slightly bit your lip quickly, earning a chuckle from him. Without noticing, Hypno had walked right past the two of you, making his way to his criminal activities.

"Stop eating each other's faces!" A sudden voice pulled the two of you apart. Mikey was standing a few feet from you two, stomping his foot. "Hypno rushed right pass you guys! C'mon, we gotta finish this mission!" He ran for the villain.

You and Leo wiped your mouths, still stunned by the heavy and intense make out session. Leo had slightly a bit of your lipstick on his lips and you softly giggled. Leo glared at you teasingly. "Guess the spell really worked, huh? I hope we can get back to that later." He winked at you, following his younger brother.

You felt your yourself weak in the knees as you watched Leo run off. You cursed to yourself.

Now I've really done it.


I seriously suck at writing villain scenarios :/
Quick and simple chapter for tonight, enjoy ;)

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