| Conversations |

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!! (gn! reader) !!


The gentle cold air breezes through you as you inhaled the moment.

You made sure that no one had followed you up on the roof, looking behind you every once in a while, feeling the slight breeze that pushed you.

There were moments in time where you felt too overwhelmed to be around others. So every once a while, you would sneak away and find a comfortable spot to hang out.

For instance, when you made your daily visits with the Hamato family, your social battery would go out and you would need time to recover. Everyone understands this and doesn't get bothered by it. But you can't really say much because, well, you have a hard time talking. You spent most of your time silent and the turtles have gotten used to it.

Although, from time to time, Leonardo would always be the one to talk to you and it didn't matter if you responded or not. Leo did this on purpose to see you smile everyday. He enjoyed your happiness as you enjoy his.

As of recent, you've been getting sign language lessons from him and Donnie. Leo told you once that as kids, Donnie would get into the mood of not talking to his family for a week. This made Leo learn to sign so he could talk to his twin. It's been obvious that Donnie was more advanced in signing, but that didn't stop Leo from teaching you.

You heard foot steps from behind you, deciding not to turn around knowing who it already was.

Leo giggled and suddenly placed his hands on your shoulders. "Boo!" You turned around and gave him a pity expression. "Aw man, I thought that would get to you." He sighed as he next next to you on the cold floor. "I thought you were gonna use the restroom?"

You shook your head. "And you knew exactly where to find me." You signed to him. Leo smiled. "Of course. Why didn't you tell us, or at least one of us, that you needed to leave?"

"I didn't want to bother you guys."

Leo groaned with frustration. "(Y/N), how many times must I remind you? If you gotta say something, say it! Or, at least sign it." You dared not to look at him, knowing how this conversation went. Leo glanced towards you and exhaled. "Sorry, (Y/N). Want me to go?" He was getting himself ready to stand up but a grip on his left shoulder stopped him. You were now looking up to him with pleading eyes, frantically shaking your head.

He chuckled and sat back down, poking you on your side. "Needy." Leo teased as you slightly yelped back. You glanced back to the ground, hesitating on your next move. Leo notices this and stares with his eyes wide opening, not wanting to take his eyes off you.

"I-I like your company, L-Leo." You managed to make out of your stuttering sentence. Leo's mouth gaped open for a while until he suddenly picked you up slightly off the ground and spun you around as he cheered.

"I heard you! I actually heard your voice! You talked to me!" He said finally setting you down. You giggled softly and Leo swore his heart melted. "Oh! Your laugh! I need to hear more of it I beg!" He gripped onto your hands tightly squeezing them.

You smiled and looked dearly in his eyes. "S-Sorry it took so long f-for you to hear that." Leo gave you you glare teasingly. "Don't apologize. I'm glad you're taking it one day at a time. I couldn't be more proud of you."

You noticed that both of your hands were still entangled together and a red blush was visible on your face. Leo notices your concern and quickly let go. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" You laughed and grabbed a hold of his hand. You nodded slightly.

Leo was now a flushed mess and was speechless. Being the only person who mostly talked in a conversation had its cons when Leo went silent. "I hoping this is a good time to tell you that I've liked you for a while a-and I'm sorry for bad timing I just couldn't hold it in anymore ya know?" You nodded and grinned wildly.

"I thought no apologizing?"

Leo laughed and stared deeply into your windows, trying to figure out your feelings. "So? Don't keep my confession waiting (Y/N)." He teased.

You leaned close to his face and gave him a small peck on his beak. "I hope that answers your question."

Leo brushed his fingers over his mark of affection. "I hope we have more conversations like this."


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