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!! (gn! reader) !!

Request made by @TheMainManRO
(thank you for requesting, reader<3)

[tw]: mentions of abuse (physical and verbal), panic attacks, and cursing

- message brought to you by your friendly neighborhood vani -


You were the type of person that forgives easily. That was your disadvantage in everything.

No matter what anyone could say to you, or do to you, you would forgive and forget. Or, rather, forgive and never forget. That shit stays for you and beats you up from the inside.

But you also weren't the type to express your feelings freely and seek comfort. Hiding away in the sewers with the Hamato family was your form of comfort. You would never say it out loud, of course, but, nothing would bring joy to your heart like spending time with the brothers.

Why bother dumping your problems on someone else when you can just hide them away like nothing ever happened?

You brought your knees closer to your chest as the tears you tried so hard to keep in fell like a broken dam. A hand quickly came up to your mouth, attempting to block out any whimpers. Force of habit, you guessed.

Maybe your classmate was right—you are pretty stupid.

If it weren't for you getting all anxious in your group presentation, maybe your classmates would praise you. For doing most of the work in the project and getting it done on time, unlike your group mates. In your mind, you thought of this scenario as highly unlikely. All they cared about was earning a high mark in the assignment they didn't even participate in.

You had spent all-nighters with Leo most of the time, worrying that the presentation wouldn't be above and beyond. The two of you were always close to each other and he confessed that he would practically do anything for you. Terrible decision, really, but you could tell he genuinely meant it. You thanked the spirits he was there throughout it all. He would occasionally bring you a refill of coffee—just to your preference, and stay by your side the entire time.

And Leo knew exactly the time you would stress yourself out and reminded you to take breaks, often showering you with soft praises for your progress.

But at this moment, he was nowhere to be found. Leonardo was gone in your time of need.

No one had been home in the Lair, so you immediately went to Leo's bedroom, surrounding yourself with his calming fragrance and soft, oh-so-soft, blankets.

But that wasn't enough.

You felt selfish for wishing for him to be by your side when knowing damn well he's probably fed up with consoling you all the time.

You had a handful of his sheets clutched in your fists as the itchy feeling in your throat rose again.

Leonardo was already concerned enough about you with your parents. His brothers were starting to get anxious as well each time you came over seeking comfort in their home rather than your own.

But it was all pointless really.

It was stupid.

There was a hot flaming sensation that spread through your chest. There was panic in you all around, making your already fallen tears break through faster than before.

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