| Souvenir |

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!! (gn! reader) !!

Request made by @StarAtHome (see the end of the chapter for more details on this one shot)

[tw]: mentions of blood, injury, medical care (I hope I get it right sorry in advance!), violence, and cursing
this is angst with a happy ending so prepare yourselves! this a long one folks!


You understood the consequences of running around with mutant turtles. And you were yet to be careful.

Living a quote-unquote normal life above the sewers, you would often pit yourself in unnecessary situations. Throwing yourself out in danger for no reason. Like you had a sense of morale in yourself and your abilities.

Being around the Hamato family has certainly influenced both you and April O'Neil. The oldest of the four brothers was the first to start training you two at the age of just nine years old. Raph believed in his beginner level of martial arts that he could successfully train you both along with his brothers. Though their father didn't encourage the idea of training the turtles, they continued nonetheless. Harmless sparing sessions were exchanged between you all and eventually progressed more seriously, from copying movie star Lou Jitsu on the projector screen, to coming up with individual signature moves.

To you, that was growing up. That was a normal childhood. Sneaking off after school and heading straight to the sewers was an everyday routine for you and April. And that was expected.

The simple training sessions turned into nightly missions with the brothers. Or at least, you try to be consistent with the missions. Your own life has gotten in the way of this. You'd forget you even had a life out of the Lair.

And so, tonight, you've made sure to accompany the turtles on whatever job they schemed.

"Ugh, gross Dee! You don't know where that's been!" April yelped beside you, scooting herself further away from the purple-masked turtle and closer to you.

"I am a man of science! How can you expect me to not be curious?" Donnie snaps back, carrying a mutant silverfish in the very claws of his battle shell. You squinted at the creature as it squirmed under the grasp of Donatello. Making a face you turned away and continued looking over the edge of the building.

Raphael groans upon hearing their bickering, "Real mature, guys! What happened to keeping a low profile?" You all looked below to the oozequito's position but exhaled in annoyance once you realized it had disappeared from your sight. Leo snickers behind you, Raph shooting a glare.

"Okay new plan! We gotta chase after the bugs. Waiting around here ain't getting us anywhere. Everybody to the tank!" the snapping turtle exclaims and what followed was a series of complaints. It was the fifth time that night that their plan in capturing the bugs had failed. Clearly, it was wearing everyone out.

"I thought we weren't gonna be here all night! This is the complete opposite of how I imagined myself on a Friday night," Leo whines.

"What did you expect, Nardo? You done being a crime-fighting vigilant?" you giggled.

Leo turns to you, "That's not what I meant. We gotta take a break too sometimes." You could almost hear a sense of sadness and desperation in his low voice. This differentiated from his usual go-to attitude and you couldn't help but feel a slight pang in your chest.

"What...would you rather do?" You clasped your hands together in front of you as you all walked closer and closer to the large vehicle that was impossible to miss by the rest of NYC, you were sure. You hoped your question to Leonardo would distract him in some shape or form. Thankfully, it did.

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