[ New Bonds and Favorite Songs ]

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!! (gn! reader) !!

help, literally wtf is a car after writing this? to be honest, I don't even know what this is. I just wanted to take a small break from writing and came up with this cute lil idea. This relationship can be seen as either platonic or romantic, up to you!

I wanted to thank you all for the many requests I've gotten recently. Slowly but surely, I am working towards exceeding your expectations and making you cry >:) I've got a lot planned, evil laugh. Otherwise, sit tight readers! As always, enjoy my crappy writing, children.

with love, your tired author, vani

[tw]: cursing

Now Playing: Strangers in The Night by Frank Sinatra


"What? What is it?" April's worrying voice blares from the phone, making it nearly vibrate in your hand. You had whispered but there was nothing you could get away with when April was near.

The smell of rotten eggs hit you in the face and you slammed the hood of your car back down. "I think the battery's dead. I knew I should have changed it last weekend. I seriously thought I was gonna make it through!" Fingernails dig into your hair.

April's anxious face falls into a disappointing state, an expression you have seen plenty of times throughout your life—meaning I told you so. "You should've seen the signs, (Y/N). I told you something was off the other day I rode with you! Now, look at you, deserted at...where exactly are you?"

You look around, "At a 7-Eleven?" The neon red, white, and green lights blind you right in the eye as soon as you turned around. You mentally cursed at your friends for convincing you to a study date earlier after your afternoon class. That study date was merely that. But you couldn't blame them completely, well, you had agreed. And you should've gone home earlier but the offer was tempting.

Now, you were stranded in a shady neighborhood right in between Hell's Kitchen and Midtown, New York...with very little battery on your phone.

Spirits, you really fucked yourself over with this one.

"Apes, I'm on one percent, what do I do?!" The panic in you made your voice sound like a child's. April lets out a quick curse and brings the camera close to her face.

"(Y/N), listen to me. Send me your location. I'll borrow my mom's car and go pick you up," she demands. And like always, you're quick to do what she asks.

"O-Okay, I send the location just don't hang up yet."

You quickly start searching up your location before your screen turned black in a matter of seconds, not giving you a chance to even move your shaking thumbs across the keyboard. You gasped and even more, panic flooded in you.

This was it. You're really about to die out here.

You looked around in fear with your arms close to your chest and walked back into your car which was stopped in the parking lot of the gas station. You figured it wasn't safe to be out in the open looking frazzled.

"Okay, (Y/N). Deep breathes. You can figure this out, you always do," you remind yourself slowly as if that were to help your situation. Your hands grip the steering wheel and despite the growing fear, you left the door open with one leg swung out. What was anyone to do in your situation? Considering the fact that you were in a bad neighborhood, you had nowhere to go.

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