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!! (f! reader) !!

[tw]: cursing


You didn't expect to spend Christmas alone this year.

Well, this may be an exaggeration.

You meant that you didn't expect to spend Christmas without friends and family this year. It was the second month of living in New York by yourself and so far, you haven't had much opportunity to get out and make friendships.

Moving to a completely different state alone with no help and no contact in the city was scary enough as it is. Becoming an adult was dreadful, you reminded yourself repeatedly.

So, in the past two months, you've occupied yourself with getting yourself situated in your new home, along with studying at a university nearby.

You thought it would be easier to make friends during your time at school but so far, you haven't been successful.

But as of recently, you've managed to become friends with your next-door neighbor, April O'Neil.

The dark-redheaded girl was able to make you comfortable by asking for help whatsoever. Her family was kind enough to share dinner sometimes, often asking how you were. And it turned out, she studied at the same school as you.

The O'Neil family was kind enough to invite you to their home during the Christmas holiday.

But to you, you knew Christmas wasn't going to be the same.

You sighed deeply through your nostrils, thinking and missing your beloved hometown.

You wondered what everyone back home had planned for the holidays.

Without wanting to ruin your once-good mood, you slipped into a large puffer jacket and wrapped a warm scarf around your neck. Both items were borrowed by April, insisting that you should hold onto them. You were unprepared for New York's cold winters. And there hasn't been any sight of the year's first snow.

Your neighbor's hand-embroidered scarf nearly swallowed you as you reached up to grab your bag on the hook next to the apartment's entrance door. Since you were invited to the O'Neil family's Christmas dinner, you figured it would only be kind enough to cook up a dish to share.

Walking out of the apartment, you made your way to a small family-owned grocery store that was just around the corner of your neighborhood. You were thankful that April had given you a large enough scarf to cover your head with as the cold air bit the tips of your ears.

The sound of the store's bell rang as you walked inside. You grabbed a cart as you heard the cheesy Christmas melody blaring throughout the store.

You bit back a chuckle, it truly wouldn't be December without Mariah Carey's All I Want For Christmas.

Heading towards the produce aisle, you made a mental checklist of all the ingredients that you needed. You've been putting off buying groceries for a while and you hadn't made a list of what was required in the dish you had set on making.

It was stupid but school had been kicking your ass, especially during exam season.

You clicked your tongue, carefully examining every fruit and vegetable that you had picked. You wished for your parent's assistance in picking out fresh produce, regretting not properly asking how it's done. But you just did your best in mimicking their actions.

As you pushed you're already-filled cart, the bright lights of the store's refrigerators lit up suddenly, reminding you of your empty fridge that so desperately was in a need of a restock.

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