| A Little Distance Never Hurts |

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!! (gn! reader) !!

sorry folks, no requests for this chapter. I needed to let my creative flow run through my writing for a bit so I worked on this piece that I've been planning on doing a whiiiille back lol. promise I'll start working on those requests so I can open them soon! also, the art in the picture above is mine, my insta is @/vaniche.e and on tik tok it's @/vanicheestea <3
- vani
[tw]: cursing, heavy makeout scene, sexual talk, and a bit of aggressive behavior (LEO'S A SWEETHEART I PROMISE)


The feeling of exhaustion mulled you down as soon as you opened your eyes.

You hauled your blanket up to your body, refusing to get up from the warmth of your friend next to you. But the bus had stopped and suddenly, you were wide awake.

"We're home," the teacher had announced with a weary tone, his figure looming in the dark of the vehicle. Groans and protests came along. The complaining college students thrust themselves up from their seats and stretched their depleted bodies.

You yourself were sore. Two weeks long on the outskirts of New York had made you long for the consolation of your bed. Rubbing your eyes harshly, your friend beside you leaned closer to you and their grip around your torso tightened. "Don't get up yet."

"I won't."

Scholars get up hastily, their ride home waiting outside for their arrival. You looked out the window. You weren't blessed enough to get a window seat but with your friend's head leaning on your shoulder, you got a pretty decent view. It was still dark out, the sun rising in a few hours. The twilight sky seemed darker than the rest of the city that never slept

The city lights were dim, oddly enough. Maybe it was the blinds of the bus that set the mindset but it felt like all of New York waited for you and your classmates' arrival. You looked back, seeing said classmates walk off the bus, their luggage pulled down to Earth's core with each step. Your pocket vibrated and you checked the notification.

donathan: We're outside, push your classmates out of your way so you can get here quicker
apes <3: we got donuts !!! :D

You smiled dearly at the two messages despite Donnie's rushed statement. You nudged your friend, "Hey, I gotta go. See you next week?"

Their head moved up when you rose from your seat and they scowled with a groan. The attitude didn't last long though once you promised to hang out the next day and they bid you a good night. You gathered your belongings quickly and headed out.

April and Donnie were in April's used beat-up car, sitting on top of the hood. April got the vehicle as a birthday present from the Hamato brothers who had gotten it for free from a mutant junkyard. Poor April had to go through a month of Donnie harshly ordering her when revamping it. But everyone knows she just gives twice the attitude and does not let anyone push her around, exceptionally Donatello.

The redhead waved to you and opened the box of goodies in her arms, demonstrating the delicious glazed treats. "Welcome home, honey!"

"Hey guys, thanks for coming out here!" You draped her in a warm embrace, smelling her intense fragrance of vanilla.

"Glad you made it back in one piece, (Y/N)," Donnie has on a smile (suspiciously enough) and places a cautious pat on your shoulder.

"Aww, you really did miss me, Dee," you chaffed.

"Sure, thanks for saying it for me," he says in a humble voice.

April gathers your bags from your arms and hands them to the mutant. He exclaims in distress and struggles to walk around the car. "Donut?" April offers.

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