| The Bet |

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!! (gn! reader) !!


"If I make this right now, we make out."

Leonardo attempted to throw a piece of crumbled paper into the trash bin, in which he was unsuccessful in doing so. "Dang it! I thought I had it! Your turn."

You laugh at your boyfriend's attempt and shot your paper into the bin without a problem. "I thought you were good at basketball Leon?"

You walked out of room, getting back to whatever it was you were doing. That's when Leo suddenly hugged you from behind. "Aw, c'mon! Why don't we make another bet?"

You turned around to see Leo's mischievous smirk. You shook your head, "Leo, no. I know how this goes. I agree to your stupid bets and we both end up getting in trouble with Raph. I'm not gonna write another apology letter to him."

Leo gives you a glare before batting his eyes at you. "Oh pretty please! It won't be that bad! I promise! And if we do get in trouble I'll take the blame like always and I'll write the letter this time."

You freed yourself from his monster grip. "You make it sound like that's easy."

"I'll make the bet more interesting. Your pick, (Y/N)." Leo gives you a small bow. This intrigued you. You were never given the chance to pick a bet.

You stomped your foot. "Fine, let's see who can make Donnie laugh first. Winner gets to pick their prize. Loser has to sort Splinter's laundry tomorrow ." You had gained a sudden confidence in the bet. This can't be too hard. You smirked, waiting for Leo's reaction.

He seemed oddly calm with this arrangement. Leo nodded calmly. "Alright. If I win though..." This was what you feared. "...we get to sleep together."

You swallowed your regret down your throat. You cleared your throat as to not make it obvious. "Wow Leo. I never pictured you a freaky mutant." You teased.

Leo blushes at your cruel joke. "Oh haha. You know what I mean, meanie." He poked at your side, causing you to jump back.

"Game on, Leonardo."


"Hey, there's my favorite Hamato brother!"

Donnie turned around from his chair, turning away from his game. "I am?"

You nodded cheerfully, sitting down on the stool next to him. "Duh! Who else?"

"I mean you're dating my brother so, yeah, I had doubts." He crosses his arms. "What bet did you guys make now?"

A bead of sweat rolled down your face. "W-What are you talking about silly?! Can't I hang with my future brother in law?"

Donatello stared down at you, not saying a word. You felt as if you were challenged to a staring eye contest. You sighed, knowing nothing would get past the soft shell mutant. "Fine. Leo and me are tryna see who can make you laugh first."

"Me? Am I really seen as an emotionless being to you guys? That hurts, (Y/N). But fine, I will participate in your stupid games." He spun himself back to his game.

"Well now that my joke was ruined, I'll see ya later, Dee." You walked out of his room, defeated by his intelligence.

Not even two minutes later, Leo walked in the room, prepared with a joke as well. "Hey Don! Donnie! My twin! My favorite brother! Can I ask you-?"

"You came too late, Nardo. (Y/N) had already told me what you two are doing."

"Dang it . You've ruined my joke." A frustrated Leo walked out of the room.

Alright, (L/N). Let the games begin.


Leo and you have been following Donnie all around the lair, attempting to make him laugh.

You had shown Donnie almost all of the most laughing worthy memes on your phone. Even showed embarrassing moments of you, thinking that would make him break. But Donnie was taking his game seriously and you got nothing out of him.

"Hey Donnie, what do you call a-?"

"Are seriously just gonna tell him your stupid one liners and sarcastic jokes?" You interrupted him.

"Everyone loves my one liners! Plus, I'm telling him my personal favorites, I haven't even gotten to the other ones yet!"

"The two of you are terrible with making a person laugh. No wondering you guys are in a relationship, your jokes suck." Donnie stated to the two of you.

"Hey! Our humor is great! You're just a tough crowd!" Leo pointed a long finger towards his brother.

"Hey guys, what's with all the yellin'-?" Raph had walked in on the conversation before tripping on one of the brother's skateboards. He made contact with the floor and created a loud thud in the room, earning a "oof!" from Raph.

Everyone's attention was to Raph but the attention was soon divided when you and Leo heard a small chuckle from Donnie's lips. Donatello had laughed from his groaning older brother.

Unbelievable, but makes sense.

Before you could react, Leo sent you a look saying, You just lost to me once more.

Leo made his way to Raph on the ground, a cheeky grin was placed on his lips. "Wow, Raph. You okay? That was quite a fall- WOAH!" Leonardo had purposefully tripped himself over the same skateboard and landed clumsily on his butt. This sent Donnie into a loud laughing fit.

"Annnd, checkmate." Leo pointed finger guns towards his brother. He gracefully brought himself back up, along with Raph. Donnie scoffed and walked away saying, "Well you found my weakness, I'll be in my room if anybody needs me. And please don't."

"Wait, did you guys do another stupid bet?!" Raph exclaimed.

"Well played, Leon. You're a great quick thinker." You admitted your defeat to your boyfriend, ignoring the snapping turtle's anger.

"Thanks (Y/N). Looks like you're spending your day in Splinter filled stench tomorrow ." With confidence, Leo walked towards the direction of his room.

"Hey where are you going? Aren't you gonna celebrate your victory?" You asked him.

"Well where do you think I'm going, babe. C'mon, silly, my rooms this way. Oh and by the way, I call right side." Leo sent you a wink as he continued his way to the room.

His remark had made you hot inside and weak in the knees.

Last time I ever make a bet with him.


this is one of my favorites so far this was so fun to write !

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