|A Small Moment of Peace|

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!! (gn! reader) !!


Whoever thought that you'd be working for a yokai?

You were currently waiting patiently in a large building that is known as a hotel to the local creatures. Your sketchbook was sat perfectly in your lap as your fingers spin a pencil playfully.

You were assigned to be the designer of a new room in the hotel. Hired by the owner, "Big Mama", you were expected to finish designing by the end of the week.

And of course, that was not a lot of time.

You were only helping out because you were forced to. Literally. Big Mama's henchmen kidnapped you and brought you to the hotel. You were picked up in your aunt's interior design agency and was told to work.

After school, you'd usually come by the agency to help out since your aunt offered you a job. Plus, it was nice doing something you love. You were closing one night when a ray of blue light blasted the windows. You completely passed out after that and the next thing you knew, you were face to face with a beautiful pink-toned woman. That was until the woman turned into a giant spider creature.

"Do not freight darling. We only need your assistance, otherwise you will be slashed into itty bitty pieces."

Her words terrified you, though she was smiling when she said that, and you agreed to help out.

After that, her henchmen took you back to your aunt's beloved agency, expecting to see a mess. However, the place was spotless, like nothing had ever happened.

That was two nights ago. And so, here you were, stressing over a design that wasn't quite what you'd expected it to be.

Your right leg bounces with anxiety as your eyebrows furrow together. I know I can do this. I've done this for many clients. Sort of...

All you ever do in your aunt's agency was clean, organize schedules, or greet clients. How can you design the entire interior of a room in a week? And with no help!

You let out a substantial sigh, knowing you had just fried your brain. The pencil you had been clenching onto was soaking with your own sweat. Your face softened, attempting to calm yourself. You once again adjusted the pencil in your hand, and sat in a comfortable position in the exceedingly uncomfortable chair.

Your hand moved on its own as it created beautiful curves and lines all over the page. As you do this, you relaxed more into the chair, feeling the tension in your body untangle.

You continued your concentration on your drawing until you heard soft breathing.

"Woah. That's super good. How the heck can you do that?" A yokai, is what you assumed, was next to you, admiring your creation on the sketchbook. His eyes gleamed waiting for you to respond.

He was a bit to close to your liking so you scooted yourself farther away. "Uhh...I dunno. I've been doing this for a while so I guess I have experience" You responded. You got a better look of the stranger next to you. He seemed like a turtle with human like features. He carried a type of sword strapped against the back of his shell. A blue mask was around his eyes, partially covering his obvious red marks on both sides of his eyes. Considering his looks, he might be around your age or younger, you couldn't tell.

You must've been drawing for a while to not notice him next to you.

"Cool so like you're an art student or something?" The turtle continued his questioning.

Your eyes widen. "Ah, no. I'm in high school right now. I just really like art and designing." You blankly said.

Though your responses were bland, the yokai seemed the carry the flow of the conversation."Woah, you must be my age then! Hey I got a human friend in high school too! Maybe you know her? April O'Neil?"

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