| Nocturnal Creatures |

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!! (gn! reader) !!


"Leo! For god's sake, if you're going to be running around sleepless, then do it somewhere else!"

Donatello yelled at his brother for the fourth time that night.

"Why aren't you sleeping then?"

Donnie pinches his nonexistent nose bridge. "I've actually got work to do unlike you! And it's not that late! You're just an annoying ball of energy!"

Leo groans, knowing that his brother was right. "My non nocturnal brothers are no fun!" He stomped out of the room.

"Go bother someone else." Donnie mumbled as he got back to work.

It was the fourth night that Leo had gotten through the night with no sleep. He just couldn't help himself. His turtle species are made to be nocturnal animals and his mutant self just couldn't forget that tiny detail.

Thanks a lot, Baron Draxum. Leo thought to himself as he walked back to his room.

Donnie was the only one awake that night and now Leo's been pushed away like a disturbing fruit fly. During these last few nights, Leo had felt lonely and scared to be by himself. Each day, his insomnia had gotten worse and his family knew this.

On the first night, Raph told Leo to meditate before going to sleep. It was difficult for Leo to sit still so long and he gave up. On the second night, Mikey had made him a cozy pillow fort to "keep out all of the nocturnal badness." Leo spent the whole time in the fort watching old movies and playing video games. And on his third night, Splinter suggested to Leo to drink a warm glass of milk before bed. He also invited him to sleep with him for the night. Leo gladly took the offer but the only one to fall asleep was Splinter.

And then of course, Donnie and April were no help. He had called April earlier that day and asked for advice. April had suggested melatonin pills but Leo had already tried. Even his own twin brother was fed up with his habits.

Then there was you.

Leo felt his heart flutter at just the thought of you. If only you knew how you made him feel.

Leo shook his head rapidly. I can't disturb (Y/N)! They told me that they were studying for a big exam tomorrow and I don't want to be a bother.

He had decided to try and get some sleep before thinking of his desperate plans.

He snuggled himself up into a ball and surprisingly, he drifted off to a deep slumber.


The sound of loud gasping echoed through Leo's room. The turtle had his hand in a fist place on his chest.

It's just a stupid nightmare. Everyone's fine. I'm fine.

Once he was able to control his breaths, Leo reached for his phone checking the time that read 2:58 am.

Dammit. Leo was sure he had gotten through the night, seeing how easy it was for him to fall asleep.

He sat himself up on his bedside. He had ran out of ideas, and now he couldn't wait any longer. Leo had run out of options.

Without taking anything with him, except an old hoodie, he raced out of his family's lair, making his way to you.

Leo had surely thought that you weren't busy at this time of night. But to his surprise, he found you sitting in your desk, trying your best to get out of your drowsiness. Your nose scrunched up in frustration as you erased whatever it was you wrote down.

Though you were barely able to stay awake, Leo thought he had walked through the gates of heaven. He took in every image of you. Suddenly, Leo forgot what his nightmare was about.

Leo walked up to your apartment's window and softly tapped the glass. You flinched at the noise, though it wasn't loud. You turn around to see a wide awaken Leo standing right outside your window. He sent you a small wave and a weak smile.

You quietly walked over to the window and carefully opened it. Leo helped you out and pushed the window up. He crawled through once there was enough space and stood next to you without saying a word.

You were both locked in the eyes, unable to break the eye contact.

"Say, what's a fine lad like you doing up during this hour?" Leo leaned closer, giving you one of his childish smirks.

"Well I could ask you the same thing." You crossed your arms. You knew Leo's insomnia was back because April had told you. You were a bit hurt at the fact that he didn't let you know. He clearly had dark eye bags under his bright blue mask and he was a little shaky.

"You didn't answer my question, (L/N)." Leo copied you and crossed his arms as well.

You exhaled tiredly. "I'm studying when I was supposed to be asleep hours ago!"

Leo scrunches his face teasingly. "(Y/N), you know that you have to get a good nights sleep before a big day! Everyone knows that!" He threw his hands in the air.

"Says the nocturnal mutant." You teased.

"Yeah, well, I'm not a student who lives off of caffeine everyday! I'm off saving the city remember!" You laughed at Leo, finding his hand gestures absolutely unnecessary when he talks.

Your giggles died down and you looked up at him. "Nardo? Why are you here?"

Leo looked down at your bedroom floor. "I, uh, couldn't sleep." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"You don't have to tell me, but please don't be afraid to do so and ask for help." You place a hand on his shoulder.

"I don't think I'm ready to talk about it yet so, how about cuddles?" He smiled softly at you.

"Always." Without a care about your exam, Leo pulled you onto the bed and gently placed covers all around you two.

You leaned in closer to each other and you wrapped your arms around his upper body as he snuggled in closer to your chest, hearing the rhythmic sound of your heart.

You caressed his clothed shell, humming softly.

He squeezed you tightly. "Thanks, (Y/N). Seriously, I don't know what I would do without you."

"And I don't know what I would do if I didn't know if you were okay." You placed your head on top of his and closed your eyes. "I promise you're gonna be okay."

Soon, the two of you fell asleep, dreaming peaceful dreams that nobody can ruin.

here's fluff to end your night <3

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