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!! (f! reader) !!

[tw]: cursing

"C'mon! Give me a smile! That face isn't helping you know?"

You crossed your arms. Leo's face was scrunched up. "Well, I've told you before I didn't like that guy! And you went right ahead and got a date with him! What am I supposed to say?" He threw his hands up before coping you and crossing his arms as well.

"I don't understand what's your problem with him? Is it that bad to see me go on a date with someone? You're clearly bothered, and I wanna know, why?" Leo's body got tense. He didn't want to answer your questions because he knew that would lead to an awkward confession. And he wanted it to be perfect in every way possible.

"I'm sorry. I just thought we were gonna hang today until you got that date. I'm a little bothered, sorry." He rubbed his arms.

You smiled softly. "Trust me, Leo. I would never ditch you guys for anything. Especially you. I promise that when I get back, we'll stay up all night and eat all the food you want." This made him perk up from his sad position.

He giggled and lounged himself towards you, squeezing you tightly. "Leo! You're squishing me let go!"

"I've got to take you in first before your date takes you away from us!" You accepted your fate and hugged him back.


It had been hours since Leo and Donnie left you on your date. Leo insisted on doing so because he claimed that it was rude that the guy didn't even bother to pick you up.

You had felt piercing eyes stabbing you in the back as you left with your date next to you.

"Nardo, drop it. She's gonna be fine. (Y/N)'s a big girl." Donnie had said on the way back to the lair. Leo was in a pouty mood, constantly checking his phone notifications for any updates.

There were none.

Hope (Y/N)'s having fun right now.

Leo sighed as he turned his position around and faced the bright screen in the dark projector room. He was getting bored and impatient of the movie that his brothers had picked out to distract him. It was late and everyone else had fallen asleep.

Leo remembered your promise but soon headed to his own room instead.

He jumped aggressively on the bed and groaned into his pillow. Bothered by thoughts of you having the time of your life, Leo was drifting into an uncomfortable sleep. That was, until he heard voices outside of his room. "Anyone awake?"

"In here!" His body and mouth had reacted quicker than usual. Leo, with a skip in his steps, made his way out of his room, already knowing it was you. He could hear you from a mile radius, at least, that's what he believed.

Leonardo exited from his dark room and into a bright hallway. He looked around and saw you balancing yourself on the balls of your feet at the other end of the hall. You were turned the other way and had your arms hugged around your figure. Something was up.

"Back early?" Leo smirked, leaning himself against the wall. He didn't walk towards you, which was an invitation for you to come to him. But he also knew he was right and his body language told you so. You snapped your head and looked at Leo's body from across the hall.

"I'm not surprised to know that you're the only one awake." You smiled slightly but Leo could tell what was wrong. Your feet dragged you into Leo's room, completely ignoring him as you walked past.

"Woah, no 'Hey Leo!' or 'Why are you up so late?'" He followed you into the room. You flopped yourself on his bed and stared into nothing. "I'll tell you why I'm up; I have been waiting all night to stay up with you and eat Donnie's ice cream. But instead, I've been worrying about you and your date!"

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