| Routine |

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!! (gn! reader) !!


New York City's towering buildings stretch their shadows out from the long active day. Taxis drivers ran through their rush hour traffic as many were done for the day, waiting impatiently to arrive at their homes.

The school day had exhausted you, per usual. As the final bell rang, students rushed out of classrooms and headed to their families or cause mischievous stunts with friends. You were pushed and tackled onto the ground as your shoulders repeatedly thump others around you.

It was a typical day after school for sure.

Your legs were now used to the once-new route and quickly made their way out of the building. The twists and turns of streets and corners had you lost at first but you managed to get the hang of it.

You knew that it was for the sake of your unique mutant friend after all.

It hadn't been long since you had met the turtle mutant. Hamato Leonardo was what he responded to when you appealed to him for his name. He had said so confidently and properly that his existence had struck an interest in you. His personality was like no other and it stuck out like a sore thumb.

Without noticing, your body had taken you into the familiar alleyway where you meet up with Leonardo. You looked around cautiously, checking out any new graffiti that was left by Leonardo's younger brother. You remembered that he had mentioned how talented his brother is and how he would leave his artistic footprints around the area. You smiled to yourself, carefully looming over the fresh coat of paint on a dumpster.

You hadn't even noticed a certain blue-masked turtle that was creeping up behind you. "You didn't get lost!" A sudden voice was heard from behind you, making you jump at the hurried noise. Your grip on your backpack tighten and you were as stiff as a board.

"I told you not to sneak up on me like that, Jesus!" you exhaled rapidly, relieved to see your mutant friend in front of you.

Leo chuckled and smirked, showing you his pearly white teeth. It was his signature look. Other than his obnoxiously obvious red markings. It was almost as if he wanted to show off his ideal set of teeth. "C'mon, babe. Roof's up there."

Though you were annoyed of his teasing look and questioning comment, you sighed in failure. "Alright, give me a minute. Some of us aren't active mutants." You began to pull yourself up to the fire escapes. Usually in the city, they would be locked and their purpose of being a fire escape was arguable. But in the area that you and Leo always meet up, there were no locks to hold you back.

Leonardo was able to portal himself up, giving you teasing smile before being consumed by the bright blue light. Your eyes rolled far back as you grunted with a great force and stepped on the apartment complex's roof.

The view was incredible, even more so during night. You took in the scenery, standing ever so still as if you were taking a mental picture.

Leo's portal appear in the sky next to you, about three feet off of the ground you had guessed. You scooched yourself away, preparing for his impact. Leo fell from his small portal, face flat on the roof's harsh foundation.

"Are you ever gonna get a successful portal or does your ōdachi just hate you?" You asked teasing.

"I've made very successful and very safe portals before. You just gotta trust the weapon and the weapon will trust you." He rised up the ground and dusted himself off as he swung his sword around, showing off his movement.

"And that's why I don't portal with you."

"You don't portal with me 'cause you don't trust me. I know. I forget that your human body is so sensitive to mystic stuff." Leo poked your side quickly before flopping himself down on the ground.

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