| Leap of Faith |

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!! (f! yokai goat reader) !!

(Request done by both @BlazeFireFox and @alexstorietime)
thank you readers for the support! I did alter the narrative a bit to fit into the story and I hope you don't mind. I enjoyed writing this one-shot, I am very proud of it :)

- vani, the lost author -

[tw]: cursing, mentions of heights


Ever since discovering the grand Hidden City, the Hamato household tries their best to venture out into what the metropolis has to offer.

And so, it's become sort of tradition to watch the monthly circus shows that appear throughout the city.

Michaelangelo, the youngest of the clan, was the first to drag his family to watch the shows with him. The rest of his brothers were hesitant but then understood why he was excited about it. The Hidden City had a fine circus family for many years and it was no secret how popular it was. With yokai now appearing to be mingling with humans in the city above, many came to the three-day-only show.

It was breathtaking, certainly better than regular circus shows in the human realm. Unique and freakish mutants were able to find freedom in their performances and enjoy it without being called an outcast in human society.

Leonardo was the first to be hooked on his little brother's new obsession. He was already a fan of magic and illusion and all but, this took the cake for sure.

It made sense as to why he had been the only Hamato to accompany his brother to this month's shows. He had been going so often that he felt like seats should be reserved for him and him only. He sat in the usual; the second to last row up on the right, smack down the middle of the tent. Leonardo had declared the spot as the best seat in the house. The views were amazing and it was like being up close and personal.

As the main lights of the tent dimmed in the audience, acrobatics and whirling mutants were shining brightly under the now-only spotlight. Leo was in awe of their ability to move swiftly and gracefully. Chills ran down his spine and he felt jumpy in his seat. He wanted to go down on the stage and do a few tricks himself.

The lights then turned darker and the high spirit music turned suspenseful. "Woah, hey. This a new act?" Leo lowly whispered to Mikey who devoured a handful of popcorn down his throat. Though, Leo's whisper voice wasn't exactly quiet.

"I think so? I remember Raph telling me that they got new artists and acts." Mikey continues to gaze at the metal bars that the spotlight had been on. The small dangle from them seemed dangerous from its height.

The bright white spotlight turned the entire scene into an indigo wonderland. The change of color created a sense of suspense and danger. Leo was on the edge of his seat and he certainly wasn't the only one.

A young yokai girl steps forward on the trim of the platform, puffing her chest out like a soldier preparing for battle. Her body was covered in a slight bush of white, a beautiful leotard covering her as well. As she eyed the bars that hung still, the audience held their breath.

Leo tilted his head. She seemed nervous like it was the first time she's done this, and it most likely is. Leo felt terrible for doubting the girl as his eyes were still on the net that was placed right below her.

Though her head was held high in the spotlight, he could still not see her expression that was in her goat-like gaze. He hadn't heard the loud enthralling drumming that stopped as the young mutant jumped off the ledge of the platform, kicking back her elongated hooves for momentum. Leo held his breath, gripping Mikey's knee. He closed his eyes but didn't last long in keeping them shut.

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