| Night Disturbances |

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!! (f! reader) !!

inspo from a convo I had w a ai bot whoops. anyways enjoy tonight's short little chapter!!

[tw]: cursing


Most people doubt the iconic New York slogan "city that never sleeps" but in your case, you were an insomniac victim with an annoyingly flirtatious mutant boyfriend.

You groggily sit up and the hard patter of the rain shocks your senses completely. A full night's sleep would be wonderful but your phone vibrates next to you. The time reads three a.m. and a notification from Leonardo shows up on the screen.

Is it too late to ask if I can stay over?

You huffed a laugh and responded with a quick, window's open. You throw yourself back on the pillow and lay patiently for your boyfriend's arrival, nearly falling asleep.

After a few minutes, you feel a cool breeze at the window and turn to the new sensation. Leo crawls into your room, wearing nothing but a soaking gray hoodie

"Hey, you still up, sleepyhead?" He whispers as he shuts the window close.

You rolled your eyes and didn't bother to get up and greet him properly, "I guess so. Thanks for ruining my sleep man." You toyed with him.

"Hey, I asked you!" The slider faked a gasp as he sat on the foot of your bed. His expression then turns soft and a cold yet comforting hand rubs your calves under the blanket. You sigh contently.

"Do you care if I stay the night? It's fine if not of course, I know you like your alone time," Leo leans in closer and kisses your shoulder blade, giving you a small awkward smile.

You knew this routine; he worked his sweet magic whenever he tried to convince you of something he wanted or needed but was too afraid to ask. Sweet touches, soft kisses, endearing names, puppy eyes–they all seemed to do it for you.

You just couldn't say no and you fell for it, again.

To hell with a good night's sleep!

You gently hold his face and plant a soft kiss on the tip of his snout. "You know me so well. But not well enough apparently because you should now by now that I am never bothered by your presence," you chuckle.

Leonardo gives you a heartwarming smile, "Have I ever told you how much you mean to me?"

"Once or twice, yeah."

"That's not enough," he gives you a quick but hard-pressed kiss on your lips.  "Mm–you got any spare clothes I could... borrow?" he stares down sheepishly at the wet spot on your bed, his wet clothes dripping on the carpet.

"Yeah, in the dresser bottom left. I think I have your hoodie from that time I stayed over at your place."

"I know you got my hoodie from last time, thanks," he scoffs.

Leonardo gets up and opens your dresser, putting on one of his hoodies that you had stolen. Leo didn't mind that though, the hoodie smelled like you. After doing some obnoxious stretching and yawning, he crawls into your bed, cuddling closely to you, nuzzling into your side.

"Sorry... is this okay...?"

You snuggle closer, wrapping both arms around him, "Kinda too late to ask that question. So you snuck over here just to cuddle or what?"

He guffaws. "Yeah... more or less. I've been having trouble sleeping so I figured I'd make it my life's mission to bother you." He looks up at you and smiles, squeezing you tightly with a single arm around your waist.

"Asshole," you whisper and gently peck the top of his head, giving him that same energy he gave you, pulling the covers up more to contain your intertwined bodies in a warm cacoon. "Trouble sleeping huh?"

Leo underneath your arms stiffens.

You didn't mean to press for more, it wasn't your intention–but from the moment the blue-masked turtle asked to come over, in the middle of the night nonetheless, and came through your window like a soggy dog on the sidewalk, you could undoubtedly tell that he came to you in search of comfort.

You expected him to not respond at all but instead, he exhaled deeply and said, "Yeah... it's been a long few days."

He buries his snout into your neck, taking in your scent.

Although he didn't say much other than that simple statement, it was you needed to understand him. He lifts his head up and away from your collarbone, staring at you like you had told him comforting words despite not saying anything and rubbing his shell tenderly.

"I missed you...", Leonardo kisses you in the lightest he could, his eyes looking at you with heaviness and euphoria. He snuggles close, his entire body weight gently pressed against yours, his hold on you stayed.

You let yourself lay in silence with him, not daring to speak in the comfortable stillness. In just a few minutes after, you feel his grip on your waist loosen and hear the soft snores of your boyfriend.

You found yourself chuckling at how fast he had fallen asleep. The poor guy looked like he was about to pass out the minute he lay next to you on the bed.

"That makes two of us, Lee." You whisper and give him one last final forehead kiss and drift to sleep as well.


where do I order a Leonardo Hamato???

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