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The weather was great today. It was a warm summer evening, everyone was enjoying this wonderful weather, even me. Suddenly my phone rang.

"Hi" greeted Steve. A huge smile appeared on my face. Steve and I haven't seen each other all summer and I miss him so much. But today is finally the day we will meet.

"Hi baby" I replied. Surprisingly, he didn't laugh like usual. "Are you okay? You sound a little nervous."

"Yeah, you know. Hard day in work" Steve's voice seems different, changed. This worried me to no end. Did something terrible happen while I was gone?

"We'll meet today, yes? I miss you so much. I'll be in town at 10 p.m."I spoke happily. I tried to push the bad thoughts away, but they kept coming back to my head.

"Yeah, whatever," he yawned. I gasped. He never talked to me like that.

"Steve, are you sure everything is okay?" I was really worried. Suddenly, a woman's voice sounded on the other end of the phone. Before I could say anything, Steve quickly interjected into the conversation.

"You know, I have to go. Work. Talk to you later." Then he hung up. I stood there frozen. A woman on the other end of the phone? What the hell did Steve do while I was out of town?


I paced nervously at the bus station. I was very scared. Not because it was dark and cold but because I was very worried about Steve. He really spoke changed, I didn't feel any love from him. I think I knew deep down what the reason was. I glanced at the clock. It showed 11pm. Steve was an hour late. He was never late, he always showed up before I arrived. In these three years that we have been together, I know him like the back of my hand. But today I questioned whether I was still in a relationship with the same Steve. Soon, my mind was interrupted by the huge sound of a car. Billy Hargrove, the king of city roads, flew past me at breakneck speed. I would recognize the sound of his car from anywhere. But I was disappointed, I was really hoping that Steve would show up. But at the same moment, I heard the sound of another car behind me. I slowly turned around and a smile appeared on my face. He arrived. Without waiting for anything, I rushed inside the car.

"God, baby, where have you been? I was already thinking that I would walk home" I turned to him. He didn't smile, he didn't even look at me. Didn't hugged me, didn't kissed me, didn't even ask how was my trip. "Hey, you really crack me up. What's up, Steve?"

"We need to have a serious talk. But not here. Let's go." He was acting strange. As soon as he said that, he turned on the radio and turned it on full blast, started the car and started down the road. Of course, we didn't say a word to each other the whole way.

Of course, after a few minutes I realized where we were going. He was driving towards Lovers Lake. I smiled sadly. This place is extremely important to me. This was where Steve and I had our first date. It was the best day of my life. Steve was a true gentleman. Gave me a bouquet of the most beautiful flowers, took me to the cinema and brought me to Lovers Lake. I knew we loved each other. That night he confessed that he had a crush on me since first grade. Just remembering this gave me butterflies in my stomach. But I knew very well that this meeting would be the opposite of the first time.

"Lovers lake, seriously?" I said as soon as we arrived. I got out of the car and sat on the hood. Steve slowly got out of the car and stood in front of me.

"Layla, I don't even know where to start." My heart started beating faster. I knew very well what he would say. But I didn't want to interrupt him. I wanted to hear it with my own ears.

"Just say it Steve" I took his hand, this time he didn't resist. On the contrary, he seemed unwilling to let her go.

"I cheated," he said. I sighed deeply. A lump formed in my throat. I wanted to scream, but I remained calm. My intuition did not deceive me. He doesn't love me anymore. Maybe he never loved.

"How long?" I asked. I was in pain. Very much. The man I loved with all my heart betrayed me. 

"Since you left..." he admitted. I gasped. I let go of his hand and looked straight into his eyes. He didn't dare to look at me, he was looking at the ground with his hands in his jacket pocket. I felt my eyes fill with tears.

"With who?" I asked quietly. Steve shook his head. He didn't want to tell me, but I had to know. "With who?!"

"Nancy..." he managed to look me in the eyes. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend.

"How could you?... With that bitch?!" I groaned. Steve frowned and moved closer. Our faces were now only a few centimeters apart.

"Don't call her that." growled the boy. I gasped. But I was as angry as ever.

"Or what?" he suddenly grabbed me by the throat and slammed my head into the hood of the car. Without waiting for anything, I tried to tear his hands from my neck. But my efforts were lame, Steve was stronger. I felt like I was suffocating. I really thought he was going to kill me. But after a few seconds he let me go. He pushed me off the car and hurriedly got into it. Tears streamed down my cheeks. I knelt on the sand and cried. Without waiting, Steve started the car and left me alone.

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