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Of course, we didn't go back to school that day. After our conversation, we drove straight home. As soon as he got home, Billy turned around and drove off without a word. I was left alone. Max at school, but after school she will go hang out with the other kids at Bradley's Big Buy. I had plenty of time. But what caught my eye was Billy's backpack, which had been dropped on the sofa. I approached slowly and sat down on the sofa and took the backpack in my hands. Of course she reeked of cigarettes. Without waiting for anything, I opened backpack, I didn't even know what I was looking for, because I wanted to see it there. However, I noticed a crumpled red sheet in my backpack. I gasped. Can not be, after all, it's only been a week at school and he's already gotten a warning? Straightening the sheet, I looked at him. Indeed, it was a warning for not doing homework and being rude to teachers. He will not pass the exams, he will leave it in the second year. I couldn't let that happen, I promised him that he would pass those damn exams. I can't let him screw them up, he only agreed to my stupid plan on the condition that I help him. I sighed deeply. I knew very well that it wasn't right to do that and he probably wouldn't like the idea of me rummaging through his things, but I couldn't see any other way. Without waiting for anything, I pulled out his homework and started doing it with a sigh. I won't lie, they were tough because the lessons he chose didn't match mine at all. But I'm smart, so I knew I could do them. As soon as I finished his homework, I heard the roar of Billy's car engine. Without waiting for anything, I hastily put everything back into backpack and dropped it somewhere on the floor. As soon as I sat back down on the couch, the door to the house opened and Billy walked in, smiling strangely.

"What?" I asked the guy. His arms were crossed behind his back.

"Nothing." He laughed. He came closer to me and pulled out a huge bouquet of wild flowers from behind him. I gasped. He couldn't have just given me a bouquet of flowers.

"Billy, they are amazing!" I shouted and hugged the boy. Indeed, the flowers were fabulous. I have never seen such beautiful flowers in Hawkins.

"You deserve them. Really. Layla, I really apologize for my behavior again. Everything I said was untrue. I swear, I really don't think so..." said the boy sadly. His husky voice tickled my ear. I longed for him. I took the flowers and hurriedly dipped them into the vase that stood in the middle of the room. Billy was still standing there. When I came back, I hugged the guy again. He wrapped his strong arms around me and pulled me closer to him.

"Billy..." I quietly addressed the boy, but was soon stopped.

"Shh, Layla. This moment is perfect." Billy whispered softly in my ear. I slowly lifted my head from his shoulder and looked into his eyes. His blue eyes looked straight at me. The sight of him made my legs bend. I knew he wanted me just as much as I wanted him. So without waiting for anything, I kissed him. Of course, Billy didn't expect it, but he responded to my kiss without waiting. This kiss was different than when we kissed on the road after Steve's party. This kiss was real, passionate and tender at the same time. Billy put his hands on my hips and lifted me up. Now I had wrapped my legs around his waist. The kisses didn't stop all this time. I ran my hands through Billy's hair, twirling it around my fingers. I tugged harder on his hair on purpose, he let out a low moan. Without waiting for anything, he started walking forward towards the stairs. I understood perfectly what everything was going towards. I didn't resist because I wanted to. He was touching me, everything was perfect. I didn't notice when we were already in Billy's room. He held me tight, it felt great. But at that moment he backed off. I looked at him. He was looking straight at me and smiling his seductive smile. I was electrocuted. God, he's perfect. Without waiting for anything, Billy laid me on the bed and got on top of me. He slowly started kissing my neck, leaving wet marks on it. He made his way down my neck when he was next to my chest. Without waiting for anything, he took off my blouse, I was left with only my bra. He was kissing my body, touching me, drawing something on my stomach with his fingers. As soon as he pulled away I took the opportunity. I grabbed his shirt and pulled it off in a quick motion. I bit my lip and looked at his body. He was perfect. I started to touch his perfectly trained abs with my fingers, I looked directly into his eyes. I could see he was enjoying it. My fingers slid down, Billy shook his head and I just laughed. I leaned down and kissed his body, Billy let out a moan. My kisses slid down his body until they reached his pants. I pulled back and put my hand on the belt, but he stopped me and pushed me back onto the pillow. I tried to sit up but was pushed back again. Without waiting for anything, the guy pulled down my skirt, so now I was lying in only my underwear. Billy's fingers reached my panties, but I stopped him and looked him straight in the eyes. It seems that we didn't need words to understand each other. Billy stood up quickly and took off his pants and dropped them somewhere on the floor. As soon as he sat on top of me again, he lifted me up with one hand and unbuttoned my bra, which he also dropped somewhere on the floor. He sighed deeply and looked down at my body. Biting his lip, he cupped my chest and kissed me without waiting. I knew it was going to be perfect sex, I could feel it...

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