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Billy's position

"I understand very well that I'm fucked up. I feel like I'm losing her, but it's my own fault. Today's image of her getting into the car of that disgusting snob Steve haunts me to this day. Things have improved with Max, but that's not the point. Most importantly, I don't know how to get Layla back. I tried for a long time to chase these thoughts away, but I realize that I can't. I fell in love with her, in these few months I fell in love with her so much that I cannot live without her. All this time I tried to push her away because I knew very well that she didn't need someone like me. She is smart, beautiful, her future is better. And what kind of future can I offer her? Exactly, none. I thought that by treating her badly, I would turn her away, make her hate me, but when that happened, I realized what a terrible mistake I had made. I shouldn't have acted like that, I had to confess to her. Her speech by the lake opened my eyes. I was so stupid... She was really the only girl who really cared about me, who really cared about my feelings... Help me, please." I was sitting on the couch with my phone in one hand and my head in the other. I really wanted to scream, kill all the living creatures, smash all the things that were around. I was so fucked up that I doubted if it was possible to get Layla's forgiveness.

"Billy, pull yourself together. She loves you, but both of you can't admit it. You must talk to her, but not now. It's been more than a week when she doesn't talk to you, ignores you. But when you weren't at school and practice today, she looked everywhere for you, even walking through the parking lot, even though she never goes there." Robin spoke. For the past week she is the only person who wants to talk to me. Of course, Layla doesn't know anything about our relationship, and I hope she doesn't. But after Robin's words, I managed to squeeze a faint smile onto my face. So it is still possible.

"Okay, but how do I get to her? As soon as she sees me, she runs away from me as fast as she can..." I said sadly. I sighed.

"Tonight is a Halloween dance that she would never miss in her life. I'm going to the dance with Jonathan, and she doesn't have a partner, so this will be a great opportunity for you!" Robin said cheerfully. She is always cheerful, sincere, and attentive. Indeed, I am extremely grateful to her for that.

"Robin, I hope you haven't forgotten that Harrington is trying to seduce my girl?" I hissed angrily. I heard Robin swallow loudly on the other end of the phone.

"Of course Steve, how could I forget him. Okay, let's make it this way, you go to her and Jonathan and I talk to him and buy you some time. I don't know about the place where I mentioned Jonathan and Steve, but I promise to help you."

"Okay, what if she comes with him? You don't understand Robin... Any interest Layla has in King Steve shows my defeat..." I said sadly. I was very afraid of losing her. I was very afraid that her feelings for Harrington had returned.

"For God's sake, Billy! So make sure you get to her first!" shouted Robin. I was surprised, but I had to listen to her if I wanted Layla back.

"Fine. Robin, please, maybe you can come over early and help get Max ready for the dance?" I asked. I was almost sure she wouldn't agree, but the girl sighed.

"Of course, Hargrove. See you soon." Robin said and hung up. I smiled. I have to get my girl back.

"Maxine!" I shouted out loud. I heard the girl going down the stairs quickly, so I took out the money without waiting for anything. I handed the money to Max and she took it and looked at me confused.

"What should I do with them?" asked the girl, still confused.

"Buy the most beautiful flowers you can find. Try to hurry. You can also buy something for yourself. I'm just begging you, Max, hurry up." I said everything, but I could see sadness on the girl's face.

"I won't have time to get ready for the dance and I won't have time to go to the dance..." said the girl sadly. I just smiled.

"You will because I asked Robin to help you dress up. You will be the most beautiful girl at all the dances." Max's eyes were so happy that she suddenly hugged me. I was confused, but I hugged the girl back.

As soon as Max left, I rushed to my room to get ready. I pulled out black jeans, a leather belt, a white t-shirt that was tight and a leather jacket from the closet. There was music playing in my room and I was slow dancing in my room with a cigarette in my mouth of course. After getting dressed, I started doing my hair, which had to look flawless. I sprayed myself with a perfume that Layla liked. I leaned over to the mirror, inhaled the cigarette smoke and blew it straight into the mirror, winked. I knew I looked great, my gut was telling me that everything must work out.

"I'm back!" Maxine shouted loudly on the first floor of the house. Excellent. Let the show begin.

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