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"I think you need to talk. Seriously, Layla." Robin said. I just sighed and shook my head.

"You think I didn't try? He keeps pushing me away, and as soon as he opens up, he immediately stops telling me everything and I'm left again." I whispered quietly. I wanted to say something else, but I stopped. They don't understand my pain, they don't understand my situation. But at that moment there was a loud knock on the door of the house. We all jumped up and looked around. Jonathan looked at me, I'm sure he thought it was Billy. I sighed and slowly walked to the door. The knocking didn't stop, the person standing behind the door started banging the door even louder. For a moment I thought it was really Billy, but when I opened the door I gasped, there was a frightened Maxine standing behind it. Without waiting for anything, she ran into the house and hugged me tightly. She was cooing and crying. Jonathan and Robin jumped up from their seats and ran over to me and Max.

"Max, what happened?" I asked the girl. She just hugged me tighter and started crying even harder. "Max, you're scaring me, talk to me."

"He... He's drunk, he attacked me as soon as I came back... He started yelling at me, and some bitch was standing behind him laughing... Since I didn't know where you were, I immediately ran to Jonathan, because I was very scared..." Max chuckled. I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists. I pulled Max off of me and led her over to Robin. The girl quickly hugged Max. I turned towards the door without saying anything, but Jonathan stopped me by grabbing my arm. However, I turned to him with an angry look, Jonatahan immediately let go of my hand. Robin led Max into another room.

"Jonatahan, be good, lend me your car." I said angrily. The boy confidently shook his head, but I raised my eyebrows and held out my hand.

"You know that's a bad idea." Jonathan said firmly. I knew it, but I didn't care. I just smiled and looked straight into Jonathan's eyes.

"You know you won't stop me." I spoke angrily. The boy just shook his head and sighed. He took the car keys out of his pocket and handed them to me. Without waiting for anything, I took them and turned to leave, but I paused.

"Do you still have Steve's baseball bat in your trunk?" I asked. I heard Jonathan swallow loudly.

"There is.. Layla, please be careful." The boy said calmly. But I didn't care. I won't let anyone hurt that sweet and perfect girl. I got into the car at lightning speed and headed for Billy's house. I have never driven so fast, but this time was different. I was furious, this moment I wanted to kill that bitch and Billy with her. I didn't even notice how quickly I ended up at Billy's house. I got out of the car and turned towards the trunk where the baseball bat had been seen for a long time. The last time Jonathan used it was when a gang of older kids tried to beat up Will. This baseball bat is probably only for babysitters... I grabbed my baseball bat and strode to the door. I opened it violently and slammed it so hard that the door even shook. I heard laughter coming from the second floor, so without waiting for anyone I rushed to where I heard the giggling. Of course it was Billy's room. The door to his room was open, as soon as I entered his room I saw a red haired girl sitting next to Billy in only her underwear and laughing while Billy glared at her. Of course he had a cigarette in his mouth and a can of beer in his hand.

"Billy, when are we going to make love?" the girl asked flirtatiously. My blood just boiled.

"Never." I hissed angrily. The redhead and Billy turned to me at the same time. The girl looked scared and Billy was confused. The girl looked me over from head to toe and her gaze landed on the baseball bat I was holding at my leg.

"Billy, do something, that bitch is sick!" the red haired girl yelled. I just smiled. I started walking towards them with slow steps, but the girl started to retreat.

"Layla, don't step in and get out of here. Nobody wants you here." Billy whispered mockingly. But I ignored him. My gaze was focused on that bitch. It was a real roller coaster inside me: I was so mad at Billy, disgusted with him, but at the same time I wanted to cry. I quickly walked up to the girl and quickly raised the baseball bat in front of her. She started screaming like a little girl. I had a proud smile on my face.

"You can be happy, kid, I didn't come to see you." I hissed at the girl. Then I turned to Billy, who still didn't understand what I was doing here.

"I always knew you weren't well, but I never thought you were a mental patient who needed to be isolated from the rest of the world!" I yelled at Billy. The guy was really confused. Without waiting for anything, I grabbed a baseball bat and hit him right between the legs. Luckily for him, I hit him right on the edge of the bed. The stick spiked with nails rattled loudly. Billy twisted in anger. He tried to stand, but I put a baseball bat in his neck.

"I'm warning you Billy, if you do that to Maxine again, next time I'm going to hit your pretty face with a baseball bat!" I swear, Billy. Don't you dare stand in my way again!" I shouted. I swear, I've never been so angry in my life. Billy's whore tried to run away but I was faster and grabbed her hair and pushed her right into the dresser in Billy's room. The girl hit her head hard and sat down and grabbed her hair.

"What the fuck, Layla! Get out of here! Never come back here again! You can look for another place to live!" shouted Billy, standing right in my face. His eyes were so angry it looked like he was going to hit me.

"Don't worry, you won't see me in your house again after this conversation!" I shouted back at him. Apparently, the guy did not expect this behavior and decision of mine at all. He moved even closer to me so that our faces were only inches apart. "You want to hit me, Billy?! Bang! Fuck like Steve!"

"You're really sick!" Billy shouted and pushed me hard. At that very moment, I punched Billy in the face so hard that it hurt myself.

"Never again! Do you hear?! Don't you dare touch me! But if you hurt Max again, I swear to Billy, I will kill you!" I yelled at Billy one last time. As soon as I said everything, I disappeared from his room. Without waiting for anything, I ran to Maxine's room and grabbed her backpack. I went downstairs and gathered the rest of my things. I have no idea how, but at that moment I had endless energy, so I took all my boxes of things in one go. I heard Billy coming, so I hurried out of the house. I threw all my things on the back seat and got into the car. I turned my head to see Billy striding toward the car, his face looking even angrier than before I hit him. I didn't want to see him in the eyes anymore, and even more so, I didn't want to shout it all over town. Enough. Therefore, as soon as he approached the car, without waiting for anything, I pressed the accelerator pedal and drove out of Billy's yard at high speed. Billy stayed standing in the yard, but a second later he waved his hand and went back into the house. When I turned off his street I slowed down, driving slowly because everything was too much on my mind. I was in a lot of pain, I can say that it hurt more than when I found out that Steve had cheated on me with Nancy. Tears ran down my cheeks and I couldn't hold them back. It was painful to admit, but Linda was right... Billy is just a player who doesn't care about anyone but himself...

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